Leclerc’s Historic Surge: Rising Market Share, Price Wars, and Supermarket Turmoil

2023-08-09 15:47:38

“Leclerc has been gaining one point of market share per month for four months, it’s historic. Olivier Dauvers, fine columnist of mass distribution for thirty years, cannot get over seeing the power of the surge that inflation has launched on the food trade.

The price war and the drop in sales volumes in the first half of the year have caused a tsunami in the hypermarket and supermarket peloton. In the lead, Leclerc is taking more advantage than ever of his leading position. Completely off the hook, the Casino group is the first victim of the race. As of last year, the competition took the weakest in the sector by the throat for having been slow to lower its price tags. As a result, it has lost ground and now finds itself in a perilous rescue operation, its leader Jean-Charles Naouri having hastily grabbed a 1.2 billion euro buoy thrown by Daniel Kretinsky and his associates.

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