Lech Wałęsa on Donald Trump. “I made a mistake. I encouraged him to pursue this career”

Joe Biden will not be re-elected as president of the United States. On Sunday, he decided to withdraw from the re-election race.

— Was it a good decision? Or was it a delayed reaction from the Democratic camp? — It all worked out badly. But generally, if it worked out that way, it was the best solution that could be made under the circumstances — believes President Lech Wałęsa.

Onet’s interlocutor is not surprised by the fact that Trump is now the favorite in the race for the US presidency. “Look at what happened in the European Parliament elections,” says Wałęsa, drawing attention to the success of right-wing parties.

— The whole world is in a similar situation. We live in times of change. When technology says that we need to move from states to continents, to globalization. We need to add new elements to democracy so that it is a democracy and not some mafia arrangement. These are the times we live in. And different things will happen now — he comments.

Continuation of the material below the video

What Trump Means for Poland: Wałęsa: I Encouraged Him to Run for President Long Ago

I ask President Wałęsa whether anything bad would happen to Poland and Ukraine if Trump became president of the USA again? – The president of the USA cannot afford everything. But a little will depend on him. Even though I encouraged him to pursue a presidential career a long time ago, I believe I made a mistake and I will do everything to prevent him from being president – comes the answer.

Who among the Democratic candidates should replace Joe Biden now? “The problem is who will be elected in the States. I have my favorites, but I doubt they will be elected,” says Wałęsa, who does not want to reveal his favorite among the Democrats.

Emotions in the US. Joe Biden drops out of re-election race

On Sunday, President Biden announced at approximately 2 p.m. local time (8 p.m. in Poland) that he was withdrawing from his re-election bid. and announced that he would give Vice President Harris his full support.

In recent weeks, calls for Biden to drop out of the race have prompted top Democratic donors to freeze about $90 million in campaign contributions, according to the outlet. But until this weekend, Biden and his campaign had rebuffed those calls, which began with his disastrously received televised debate performance with Donald Trump.



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