Lebleba: I paid my life for art

The Egyptian artist, Lebleba, lived only for her art, sacrificing marriage and forming a family. Despite this, she does not regret at any moment over this choice, saying: “Since my childhood, I have known only my artistic life that I loved and devoted to, and respected my audience, who encouraged and supported me throughout my artistic career, In all my life stages.

Lebleba describes her life’s dedication to art, saying: “Success has a price to be paid by those who aspire to it. If I have paid my life for it, it is never a loss but a great gain because art and the public’s love filled my life. I grew up in their midst, I love and respect art, marriage may end, and brothers may travel.” While art remains and delights my life.”

Lebleba believes that “whoever is devoted to art will be devoted to art.” This is how the great musician Mohamed Abdel Wahab taught her when his daughters invited her to visit them, he said to her: “Give to art and it will give you, and learn to say no to anything you do not see fit for you, even if it is a journey you will go out on. Or something you don’t believe in. He advised her not to compliment anyone at work, because the artwork will remain in her history forever.

Therefore, she says: “I presented my roles with complete conviction, and my mother taught me not to compromise in the level of my work, and she is the one who has all the credit for what I have achieved, so I cry for her a lot today.”

In the same context, Ninushka Manoj Kobalian, known as “Lebleba,” is awaiting honor from the Egyptian Minister of Education on August 29, for her educational role, which she played in the series “Dayma Amer” during the last Ramadan season, in which she embodied the personality of an international school principal who is addressing the reform of the educational process. .

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