Lebanon’s Solidarity with Gaza: Navigating War and Defense

2023-10-12 04:28:01

“Lebanon Debate”

The southern arena is experiencing a crucial race between the war and the ongoing efforts to curb any dramatic developments, in light of a climate of solidarity with the people of Gaza who are subjected to unprecedented Israeli aggression, but at the same time opposition to any slide towards involvement in this war. In this context, the Vice-President of the Free Patriotic Movement, Dr. Naji Hayek, does not expect that “Lebanon will remain immune from this war for long,” considering that “if rockets continue to be fired from the south towards Israel, as has been the case in recent days, the situation will deteriorate.” Be sure.”

In an interview with Lebanon Debate, Dr. Hayek asserts that “Lebanon, like the Lebanese, is absolutely unable to bear any new crises, regardless of their type and nature, that will result from any Israeli war, despite complete solidarity with the Palestinian cause and the Palestinian people who are being exposed.” aggression in the Gaza Strip.

However, Dr. Hayek stresses at the same time, “Lebanon’s right to defend itself in the face of any possible Israeli attack, knowing that Lebanon today is “broken” and therefore any war will break it further and it will be unable to bear any of its repercussions.”

Within this context, Dr. Hayek stresses “solidarity with the Palestinian cause, and also emphasizes standing by the right of the Palestinian people to a free and dignified life in their homeland, in light of an independent Palestinian state and through the “two-state solution.”

But this approach does not mean that Lebanon must open the southern front, adds Hayek, who “asks about the reasons for not opening any Arab or even Palestinian front from the West Bank against Israel,” considering that “solidarity does not mean opening the Lebanese front while all the Arab fronts The other is quiet and silent.” Accordingly, Hayek believes that “the army must deploy and prevent the Palestinians from launching rockets from the southern territories.”

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Regarding the reasons for canceling the travel of the Free Patriotic Movement delegation, headed by MP Gebran Bassil, to deliver a speech in the European Parliament, Hayek, who was preparing to visit Strasbourg, pointed out that “the visit was abandoned and postponed, due to the war in Gaza, and the possibility of a worsening of the security situation, and it may not be possible to Traveling or returning if the airport is closed.

Therefore, Hayek believes that the decision was made not to go “because we will not find listening ears, because everyone is busy with the war.”

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