Lebanon Weather Forecast: Scattered Rains, Snowstorm ‘Daniella,’ and Low Temperatures Dominate

2024-01-24 21:56:24

The Estimates Department at the Meteorological Authority in Lebanon expected in the evening weather bulletin that a low air depression accompanied by cold air masses would dominate Lebanon and the eastern basin of the Mediterranean, leading to scattered rains that are sometimes heavy and accompanied by active winds and thunderstorms until dawn on Friday.

The department stated that the region will be affected by another depression originating from the Black Sea, which the Meteorological Service has named “Daniella,” and which will be accompanied by colder polar winds, with temperatures dropping additionally and significantly, causing the level of snowfall to decrease at dawn on Saturday to reach an altitude of 1,000 meters in the northern highlands.

It was warned not to take mountain roads higher than 1,200 meters starting Friday evening due to the intensification of the impact of the snowstorm “Daniela.”

She pointed out that the average temperature for the month of January in Beirut is between 11 and 19 degrees, in Tripoli between 9 and 17 degrees, and in Zahle between 4 and 13 degrees.

Expected weather in Lebanon:

Thursday: Partly cloudy to cloudy at times with fog in the highlands. Temperatures remain below their seasonal averages. Scattered rain falls accompanied by active winds with the possibility of lightning and thunder. Scattered snow also falls starting at an altitude of 1,600 meters and above and reaching an altitude of 1,500 meters at night.

Friday: The impact of the snow storm “Daniella” begins at dawn with a gradual drop in temperatures and active winds that intensify to reach a speed of 75 km/h in the north of the country, with sea waves rising to up to 3 metres, and dense fog forming starting at low altitudes, heavy rain falling that gets worse. With it, visibility leads to floods forming on the roads and resulting in soil erosion.

It is expected that snow will fall during the day, starting at an altitude of 1,400 meters, and its level of falling will decrease at night, reaching an altitude of 1,200 meters, with temperatures falling, reaching an altitude of 1,000 meters at dawn on Saturday in the northern highlands.

Saturday: Mostly cloudy with dense fog starting at low altitudes, scattered and heavy rain falling accompanied by active winds, and snow falling starting at an altitude of 1,100 meters and above.

The intensity of the rain and snow will decrease in the evening and widespread clearings will occur, amid warnings of the danger of ice forming on mountain roads above 1,000 metres.

#surprise #Fridays #weather #Lebanon. #Heres #awaits

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