Here are the weather details for today and the coming days:
1- The temperature on the coast is 7 and 15 degrees, in spots between -2 and 10, and at 1,000 meters between 1 and 9 degrees.
2- Weather: Partly cloudy, with the possibility of local rain on Saturday night, Sunday, and snow showers at 1,000 meters.
3- Wind: Weak northwesterly, with a speed between 20 and 40 km/hr
4- The surface humidity on the coast ranges between 70 and 95%
5- The surface atmospheric pressure is 1017 hpa
6-Visibility is good
7- The sea is low waves, and the water surface temperature is 20 degrees
Sunday: Stable weather during the day, generally cloudy and cold, with a warning regarding the formation of ice mountains, and the temperature ranges between 7 and 13 on the coast, between -2 and 10 spots, and between 1 and 8 at 1,000 meters, while the wind is northwesterly weak, with a speed between 20 and 40 km / h
Monday: Stable weather with little clouds in general and cold, with a warning of the formation of ice mountains, and the temperature ranges between 7 and 13 coasts and between -2 and 10 spots and between 1 and 8 at 1,000 meters, while the winds are northwesterly weak, with a speed between 20 and 40 km / h