Lebanon receives the final draft of the maritime border demarcation agreement

Lebanese optimism about reaching a historic agreement (Anwar Amr/AFP)

The chief Lebanese negotiator, Elias Bou Saab, told Archyde.com on Monday that Lebanon Final draft of US-brokered agreement received to demarcate the maritime boundary With the Israeli occupation it fulfills all the requirements of Lebanon and could soon lead to a “historic agreement”.

“If all goes well, the efforts of Amos Hochstein could lead to a historic agreement,” Bousaab added minutes after receiving the final draft.

Sources from the Baabda Palace, where the Lebanese presidency is located, said that its content is being scrutinized.

The sources, who spoke on condition of anonymity, confirmed that the initial information about the response received by the Deputy Speaker of Parliament, Elias Bou Saab, in charge of the file indicates that the Lebanese observations were taken into account regarding the outstanding points, stressing that the formula is supposed to be carefully studied to prepare the response to it.

The sources pointed out that the response will not be long and the Lebanese position will be officially announced soon.

On Monday, Lebanese President Michel Aoun affirmed that he “hopes to complete all arrangements related to the demarcation of the southern maritime borders within the next few days, after the indirect negotiations undertaken by the American mediator have advanced a long way, and the gaps that were negotiated over the past week have narrowed.” .

Aoun considered, according to what was quoted by the Lebanese presidency, in a statement, that “reaching an agreement on the demarcation of the southern maritime borders means the start of the process of exploration for oil and gas in the Lebanese fields located within the exclusive economic zone, which will achieve the beginning of a new impetus for the process of economic advancement.” .

Lebanon adheres mainly to the amendments it made on October 3 to the American offer after the meeting of the three presidents Aoun, the caretaker government Najib Mikati, Parliament Nabih Berri and the Civil Military Technical Committee, its right to obtain its full share of the Qana field, without participating in it. With the Israeli side, and the separation of the talks that are taking place between the Israelis and the French energy company “Total” from Lebanon.

Lebanon seeks to complete the agreement on the table galleries The south of the country, where indirect technical negotiations with the Israeli side were launched in October 2020 with American mediation and the auspices of the United Nations, and held 5 rounds before stopping in May 2021 as a result of differences over lines and borders, knowing that Lebanon began its negotiations adhering to Line 29 before To return and negotiate on line 23 and the field of Qana.

Civil opposition to Lebanon’s official position emerged in the indirect negotiations, during which it relinquished Line No. 29, as the “Defense of Lebanon’s Land and Maritime Rights” association was formed, which was warned to move locally and externally, judicially, to protect the Lebanese wealth and its marine and land rights.

The association’s lawyer, Ali Abbas, said in a previous statement to Al-Araby Al-Jadeed that “the association sent 3 notifications or warnings to President Michel Aoun, Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri, and caretaker Prime Minister Najib Mikati, which included technical and legal errors resulting from the adoption of Lebanon Line 23 as the southern maritime border demarcation line, and the necessity of amending Decree 6433, which President Aoun has not yet signed, and depositing a copy of it with the relevant departments of the United Nations, and then sticking to Line 29, which starts from Ras Al-Naqoura point, approved by the Army’s Hydrographic Department It is the only legal and scientific line, unlike the 23rd line.”

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Abbas pointed out, “The danger of the 23rd line that Lebanese officials are negotiating today, as it would cause Lebanon losses in terms of oil wealth in the exclusive economic zone, and thousands of kilometers in Lebanese territorial waters, in addition to the Lebanese mainland and disputed areas by land.”

Abbas indicated that they gave “the three presidents to respond to the notifications and to amend the decree quickly, otherwise we will file a criminal complaint in Lebanon and abroad, to protect what can be protected from Lebanon’s rights, borders, and its oil and marine wealth.” The Lebanese, and the deals that are taking place on his account.

A study by the researcher and specialist in the border demarcation file, Issam Khalifa, who is a member of the association, stressed that “the position of the three presidents by their commitment to line 23 instead of line 29 applies to Article 302 of the Lebanese Penal Code, which states that whoever tries to strip the sovereignty of the state is part of it. From Lebanese soil, he was punished by temporary detention or deportation.”

He added that Article 277 of the same law stipulates that “Any Lebanese who, by deeds, speeches, writings, or otherwise, attempts to carve out part of the Lebanese land to annex it to a foreign country, or to own it with a special right or privilege, shall be punished by temporary detention for at least five years.” in the Lebanese state.

Khalifa stressed that “the three presidents are giving up a fortune estimated at hundreds of billions of dollars (1,430 square kilometers) to Israel, by abandoning Line 29 in an illegal, unscientific and unpatriotic manner, in favor of Line 23, which compelling documents show that it is an Israeli invention.” as he put it.

The association stated that “Lebanon lost with Cyprus more than 2,300 square kilometers, and with Syria 750 square kilometers, and this is all as a result of the mismanagement of the oil file by Lebanese officials.”

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