Lebanon-Israel Tensions: Latest News and Updates on Southern Displacement and Escalation

2024-01-13 19:32:03

  • Israel and Hezbollah…continuing tension on the Lebanese front #Newsroom Sky News Arabia
  • The number of displaced southerners continues to rise as a result of the Israeli aggression… and an important statement by the Disaster Management Unit in Tire VDL NEWS
  • The suffering of students in the south continues… Temporary solutions await “relief” Elnashra.com
  • Repercussions of the Gaza War… Lebanon is at the forefront of escalation #Newsroom Sky News Arabia
  • Empty villages… Details of displacement and damage due to the Israeli aggression in southern Lebanon. Al Jazeera Net
  • 1705176952
    #Israel #Hezbollah…continuing #tension #Lebanese #front #News_Room #Sky #News #Arabia

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