Lebanese Presidential Crisis: Franjieh’s Nomination and Opposition’s Preparation – Azour, Hezbollah, and Amal React

2023-09-16 19:12:31

The opposition is preparing for the followingmath of Franjieh’s nomination – Azour, Hezbollah, and Amal attack those who reject dialogue

The political parties are awaiting what the next stage will bring regarding the presidential crisis in Lebanon following the end of the visit of French envoy Jean-Yves Le Drian to Beirut, without any new news or positive developments announced.

While the French embassy in Beirut did not issue any statement following the departure of the French envoy, who in turn did not make any statement, the Lebanese parties seem to differ in their approach to the results of this visit, as while the opposition parties agree that his words with the parties reflected a projection of the two options for nominating the head of the “Movement Movement.” Marada Suleiman Franjieh, who is supported by Hezbollah and its allies, and former Minister Jihad Azour, who is supported by the opposition. The “party” and the “Amal Movement” reject this matter and are adhering to the invitation of Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri to dialogue in preparation for holding open sessions to elect a president.

Hence, the opposition, which was previously aware that its support for Azour was aimed at overthrowing Franjieh and was working in accordance with this goal, is preparing for the next stage, which sources in the “Forces” call “the stage of the army commander, General Joseph Aoun, until further notice,” and it tells “Al-Sharq Al-Awsat: “At this stage, the Army Commander’s name tops the list of candidates’ names, and work is being done externally and internally to break the barriers to his arrival.” She explains: “Externally with Iran and internally by sifting through names and researching the details to build on what it requires.” The sources confirm that “the opposition, which is preparing for the next stage, had demonstrated by moving from the nomination of Michel Moawad to Azour that it is open to a presidential solution on the basis of national consensus, which embodies its aspirations for the establishment of an actual state away from the de facto forces… This is conditional on the names and not on the basis of any meaning.” Name, because rescue is conditional through people capable of the task.

While the sources stress that the opposition is “ready in the event of any sudden development and meets regularly and discusses the proposed plans,” they say: “We are united on the major headlines, but the names need to be sifted and nothing is settled.”

On the other hand, the other team does not seem to have surrendered or is ready to move to the new phase, which is reflected in the positions of the representatives of the Amal Movement and Hezbollah, who accuse those who reject Berri’s call for dialogue of disrupting the presidential elections, which was expressed by both representatives of the Amal Movement and Hezbollah. Amal (headed by Berri), Ali Khreis, and Hezbollah MP Hassan Ezzedine during their participation in a symposium in Tyre, southern Lebanon.

In his speech, Ezzedine hoped that “the visit of the French envoy to Lebanon would achieve a breakthrough and progress in terms of electing a president of the republic, because the country can no longer tolerate a further vacuum in the presidency,” adding that “the Lebanese political forces have no choice but to engage in dialogue,” hoping for That “some people come out of their theories once morest dialogue, because this country with all its components needs national harmony and understanding, and without that, we take the country into more vacuum, and thus to more disruption in state institutions, and this is what brings us to the brink of collapse.”

In turn, Khreis accused those who reject dialogue of not wanting to elect a president, and said, “Whoever rejects dialogue, especially at this sensitive and delicate stage, does not want to elect a new president of the republic, and he seeks to keep the country’s crisis open, especially as the country’s crises are getting more and more severe, so we affirm Time is not in anyone’s interest, so come to a common word and respond to Speaker Berri’s call for dialogue and the election of a president of the republic.”

The same position was expressed by Hezbollah MP Hussein Haj Hassan, attacking those who want to disarm the party. He said: “The one who bears the delay in the election is the one who rejects dialogue and understanding, and insists on achieving an agenda that is not in Lebanon’s interest.”

He added: “The election of a President of the Republic in Lebanon is stuck in front of the other team’s desire to bring a president who will take Lebanon to a problem instead of bringing a president who will take Lebanon to solutions,” explaining: “The other team wants a president who does not begin with solutions to the financial and monetary situation, and to rebuilding the conditions of public administration and infrastructure.” And state structuring. He wants a president who starts with a priority that the American wants, which is the priority of Lebanon’s strength. His priority is how to strip Lebanon of its strength, and this is unacceptable, not because we refuse; But because this is contrary to Lebanon’s interest.”

On the line of representatives of change, MP Ibrahim Mneimneh considered that the candidates Azour and Franjieh no longer had any chances, ruling out the election of a president at the end of the current month of September, noting that “the name of the army commander, General Joseph Aoun, has been on the table for a long time, but there are other names, and we They do not support amending the constitution.”

He said in a radio interview: “It is clear that the French initiative has not yet matured, and there is an intersection between Le Drian’s initiative and President Berri’s initiative,” asking: “What are the merits of the dialogue that Berri is proposing?” He added: “We also asked Le Drian, and we did not obtain clarity on this matter.” The framework in terms of who guarantees the results of the dialogue’s decisions.”

He stressed, “If Hezbollah wants to continue by clinging to its opinion and not dialogue regarding weapons, we will remain as we are, and it is clear that the party is linked to Iran, contrary to what Tehran claims regarding non-interference in Lebanese affairs.”

Mneimneh promised that “the current sectarian division strengthens Hezbollah,” pointing out that “October 17 (the popular uprising) was a comprehensive Lebanese moment and was the primary threat to Hezbollah, and therefore the sectarian division is the strongest service to strengthen the nerve that the party uses.”

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