Lebanese Comedian Eli Ayoub’s Successful Open-Heart Surgery: Recovery Updates and Well-Wishes on Art Website

2023-09-22 13:31:04

Yesterday, at seven in the morning, the Lebanese comedian Eli Ayoub underwent open-heart surgery at Al-Rum Hospital in Achrafieh, after he was transferred to it in an emergency condition following a health illness.

Eli Ayoub appealed to his fans on his official page on a social networking site to donate blood to him without mentioning any other details, which worried his fans, who asked for his recovery.

We on the Art website communicated with his son, Carlo Ayoub, to find out about the developments in his father’s health condition after he underwent the delicate operation. He told us that the operation was successful and that Eli Ayoub is currently in the intensive care room for observation. After that, he will move to his regular room in the hospital to complete the recovery period after the operation.

From the Al-Fan website, we wish Dahak Al-Layl a speedy recovery so that he can return to his family and lovers in full health and vitality.

#Exclusive #Eli #Ayoub #undergoes #open #heart #surgery #health #condition

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