The General Assembly of the Asian Mini Football Federation was held in Demirjian Center in Antelias, in the presence of the President of the Czech International Federation Filip Juda, Secretary General of Serbia Zorica Hoffman, Vice President of India Vital Chirkunkal, and in the presence of the President of the Egyptian Arab Federation Ahmed Samir.
And 11 countries participated in the General Assembly: Iran, Palestine, Lebanon, India, the Sultanate of Oman (in attendance), Indonesia, Japan, Thailand, Malaysia, Iraq and the Philippines (through the Zoom application).
The meeting voted for the presidency of the Asian Federation among the candidates, the President of the Iranian Federation, Karim Moghdam, who received one vote, and the President of the Lebanese Federation, Ahmad Dench, who received seven votes, while two countries abstained from voting, and the representative of Thailand was elected as Vice-President.
The President of the International Federation announced the victory of his Lebanese counterpart in the presidency of the Asian Federation, in an achievement for Lebanese sports. Dench said that the position is not for him nor the Lebanese Federation, but for Lebanon is the beacon of the East, and promised that Lebanon will host the first Asian championship for men and women soon.
Ahmed Samir spoke, thanking the President of the Republic, General Michel Aoun, for receiving the international delegation and congratulating Danche and Lebanon on the election.