Learn the requirements for CrediMujer at Banco de Venezuela (MONTO)

Requirements for CrediMujer! He Bank of Venezuela (BDV) launched the CrediMujer program, whose objective is to promote financial independence and economic development of Venezuelan women.

Through this financing, interested parties can access up to $3,000. However, it is essential to know the requirements necessary to submit a successful application.

Requirements for CrediMujer / Photo courtesy

Requirements for CrediMujer

  • Register for the Great Venezuela Woman Mission, which must be done in the Patria System, to later complete the loan application.
  • Laminated and current identity card.
  • Commercial Registry, if applicable.
  • Operating permit, if applicable.
  • Utility bill no older than three months.
  • Certificate proving the absence of debts with banking institutions, both public and private.
  • Business plan detailing the investment proposal.
  • Current Tax Information Registry (RIF) of the applicant.
  • Notarized power of attorney of the attorney, if applicable.
  • Last three bank statements from other financial institutions, in national and foreign currency, if applicable.
  • The latest income tax return (ISRL), if applicable, along with the electronic certificate of receipt via the Internet.
  • In addition, it is necessary to include a budget for the goods, merchandise, remodeling, improvements or supplies that you intend to acquire with the requested credit.

With this initiative, the bank seeks to provide entrepreneurial opportunities to women, in order to boost their autonomy and economic success, which will benefit the country’s productive and economic sector.

#Learn #requirements #CrediMujer #Banco #Venezuela #MONTO
2024-08-30 20:57:24



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