rise sugar level in blood When the body does not produce enough insulin, and blood sugar is the fuel for your body, the source of energy, and without it, you cannot survive. Heart attack and stroke, here are five ways to help lower high blood sugar, according to the website eatthis.
Eat low-carb foods
A simple change to incorporating one or two healthy meals a day will not only lower your blood sugar quickly, but will also help you maintain it. Your body must break down carbohydrates into glucose (blood sugar), and the more carbs you eat, the higher your blood sugar. blood stream.
Drink more water
Staying hydrated helps prevent dehydration. When you’re dehydrated, your kidneys have more difficulty getting rid of excess glucose through urination.
stress reduction
Exposure to chronic levels of stress leads to increased production of hormones (cortisol and glucagon), which raise blood sugar levels.
Monitor blood sugar
The glucose monitoring system often referred to as GCM It can be very helpful in lowering your blood sugar, as it provides real-time insight into how your body is responding to the food you eat, and this can lead to changes in your diet, and a rapid drop in blood sugar which improves your overall health and reduces Diabetes risks.
A night full of restful sleep can help you lower your blood sugar quickly. When you are deprived of sleep, it increases the hormone cortisol, and lack of sleep affects your overall energy.