Learn how to treat back pain

Follow-up – Jawdat Nasri

Back pain, or lower back pain in particular, is one of the most common problems that women face. Which is sometimes associated with special cases that women suffer without men, or health conditions that women are more likely to suffer from than men. Which may arise from the anatomical or structural nature of the reproductive system or the spine in women. Also, lower back pain in women can turn into chronic pain with time.

Research indicates that approximately (60-80%) of people suffer from lower back pain at some point in their lives. However, the percentage of females in different age groups who suffer from this pain slightly more than males.

Home remedies for lower back pain in women:

Some recipes or home remedies can be used to treat lower back pain associated with menstruation, or muscle fatigue, which include the following:

hot compresses:

Putting hot compresses on the back helps improve blood circulation, which improves the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the back muscles.

hot baths:

It improves blood circulation and helps relieve muscle pain and stiffness.

Over-the-counter pain relievers:

Helps reduce back pain and other symptoms associated with menstruation.

Doing exercise:

Which helps improve blood circulation and reduce muscle tension.

Gently stretch the muscle:

Regular stretching of the muscles may help reduce lower back pain, or may help prevent the pain from returning.

Use of ice packs:

Ice packs may help reduce inflammation and pain from muscle strain or injury, especially when used within the first 48 hours of an injury.

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Placing a pillow between the knees when sleeping on one side, or placing a pillow under the knees when sleeping on the back may help reduce back pain and discomfort.

Use of comfortable chairs:

As the use of comfortable medical chairs that provide good support for the lower back may help relieve back pain when sitting.

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