Learn how to help victims of cardiac arrest

The only daughter of singer Elvis Presley, Lisa Marie Presley, 54, died last Thursday (12/1), victim of a cardiac arrest. The singer was found dead at her home in California.

A person in cardiac arrest suddenly collapses, becomes unconscious, unresponsive, and has difficulty breathing or shortness of breath. Without immediate treatment, the patient can die within minutes. Therefore, the first thing to do when witnessing someone suffering a heart attack is to call the emergency.

However, there are five cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) techniques that can be applied by anyone to help save the victim. Check out:

1. Check breathing

Through chest sounds or movements, make sure the victim is breathing. If she is out of breath or having trouble breathing, lay her faceup on a hard surface and begin the CPR maneuver.

2. Chest compression

Kneel beside the victim. With your fingers interlaced and arms straight, place your hands in the center of your chest, between your nipples. Start doing quick, hard compressions, with a frequency of five compressions every three seconds.

Continue the resuscitation maneuver until help arrives or the victim recovers.

3. Use the defibrillator

If the cardiac arrest happens in a public place, check if a defibrillator is available. The device can be handled by the rescuer. Just follow the instructions on the product.

4. Don’t do mouth-to-mouth resuscitation

The lay rescuer does not need to perform mouth-to-mouth resuscitation in adults and adolescents in the first few minutes of cardiac arrest. That’s because when these victims suddenly collapse, there is still enough oxygen in the blood to maintain the health of vital organs.

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Mouth-to-mouth resuscitation is only recommended in children and victims of prolonged arrest, overdose, and drowning. In that case, do two breaths for every 30 compressions.

There are several reports of victims of cardiac arrest who received immediate care, survived and preserved heart and brain functions.

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