Learn about the magical diet that lost the star “Ahmed Rizk” 25 kilos in just weeks.. You will not believe what he was doing daily!!

It’s 10:40 pm
Island Bay | Follow Favorite

The artist Ahmed Rizk did a hard diet, to lose more than 25 kilos of his weight very dramatically, within weeks.

The artist relied on a diet from Dr. Oz, which replaces meals with a drink made of fruits, vegetables and seeds.

These drinks help the body get rid of accumulated toxins in it, which allows for faster weight loss and gets rid of flatulence.

Breakfast drink: two teaspoons of orange juice + 1 tablespoon of almond oil + a banana + a cup of berries + a quarter of a cup of spinach + a tablespoon of flax seeds + a glass of water.

Lunch drink: a cup of cabbage + one cucumber + four celery sticks + half orange juice + half a green apple + half a cup of almond milk + a tablespoon of coconut oil + a cup of pineapple.

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