Learn about candidate Enrique Márquez’s proposal on wages in Venezuela (+VIDEO)

The Centrados candidate, Enrique Marquezshared his plans with 2001 in our series “They Promise”.

This is the platform for the candidates for the Presidency of the Republic in the elections on July 28.

Enrique Márquez said his campaign is modest and seeks to have depth and content.

Regarding the campaign, the presidential candidate said that he toured the country to build a political option that can serve Venezuelans.

“We will invest our time during the campaign in consolidating a vision of responsible leadership that seeks to re-institutionalize the country. To do so, we are committed to rebuilding national unity. It will be a campaign of consolidation,” he said.

He also stressed that it is impossible to eliminate current social programs because the country’s economy is “destroyed” and that neither salaries, bonuses or CLAP consolidate a sustainable family economy.

Programs such as the Government’s CLAP must be maintained, but we will improve it in terms of product quality, transparency, and in the depoliticization of the program,” he said.

Bonuses will be converted into salary

Regarding salaries, he said: “We are going to eliminate the salary bonus policy, which means that we will convert current bonuses into salaries.”

He said that his government will start with a minimum wage of $130, which will have an effect on benefits and will be managed through a tripartite agreement with private employers, the State and the workers’ sector.

He also stressed that pensions and retirements will be raised from $3 to $130 as soon as the government takes office.

He announced a special contribution for retirees and pensioners, a card with a sum of money for the purchase of medicines.

“We will do this while rescuing the health system that is in ruins,” he said.

Enrique Márquez does not believe in privatizations

The Centrados candidate said he does not believe in privatizations a priori.

In Venezuela there are companies that can be privatized and others that cannot. There are companies that are strategic for the nation.

“I will not privatize PDVSA, I will build an oil business model with the private sector that allows it to invest and recover its money,” he said.

He also assured that basic companies in Guayana will not be attended to with simple privatization but with strategic alliances.

“A private partner will be sought through an international tender for the iron, aluminum, and steel business, but we will include workers in the formula,” he said.

“We want to open the electricity generation business to the private sector in order to provide a better quality service to users in the medium term,” he said.

He added that this implies a change in the law, but also a possibility of association.

Enrique Márquez proposes tax reduction for the private sector

Regarding the tax burden on the private sector, Márquez said there will be a reduction in taxes.

He said that the State has a tax straitjacket, there are 190 fiscal and parafiscal taxes, which generate a terrible tax burden on the private sector.

Furthermore, there is no credit because the banking sector’s legal reserve is at 73%, and the private sector is working on its own.

“We are going to stimulate the private sector by reducing taxes. My offer is to remove the straitjackets from the private sector in terms of taxes and credit,” he said.

He added that he will maintain the income tax and create a wealth tax.

“There are old practices of businessmen here, of weakening companies so that they do not pay taxes and fatten their accounts inside and outside the country,” he said.

Marquez said he will review the Public Administration to build the possibility of reducing bureaucracy.

“A major personnel audit is needed. I don’t intend to get into government and fire anyone, I intend to do an audit and put the ministries to work,” he said.

Lea : Miranda’s grandparents received these products in special CLAP combos

He said that the Public Administration must be cleaned up and the key to that is de-partisanship and de-politicization.

To recover the economy, Marquez said that the first thing to do is to refinance the debt and obtain fresh money to invest, so it is necessary to turn to the International Monetary Fund.

He explained that a refinancing plan must be drawn up to generate immediate income that he hopes to allocate to the education and health sectors.


Candidate proposes decentralization

“We are going to decentralize health, to give governors and mayors the management of hospitals in their area and we will send them the necessary resources to build them and equip them,” he said.

Thus, decentralization will apply to all areas of government and mayoralty.

In addition to reducing the number of taxes on the private sector, Márquez wants to free up a significant percentage of bank reserves to generate credit.

He added that the coexistence of the bolivar and the dollar will be maintained, given that full dollarization and elimination of the dollar from circulation are not possible.

It will give legality to the circulation of the dollar.

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“I believe in the Bolivar, but to raise it we would need to increase the reserves in the BCV, for that we will bring the gold that is in England, the funds taken by the sanctions, to invest in the reserves and give solidity to the Bolivar,” he said.

He indicated that the politician he admires is Rómulo Betancourt.

“I think he was a very important politician in Venezuelan history and very selfless, one of the few politicians who did not cling to power,” he said.

He added: “(Betancourt) exercised power and then released it to the new generations. I think he is an example to follow.”

In privacy

What is your favorite food?

Ground beef with potatoes.

Favorite sports team?

Zulia Eagles, New York Yankees.

In football, the Vinotinto and Real Madrid

Favorite music?

Salsa of my time, La Fania

Favorite singer?

Frank Sinatra and Freddy Mercury

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If you hadn’t been an engineer, what would you have studied?


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#Learn #candidate #Enrique #Márquezs #proposal #wages #Venezuela #VIDEO
2024-07-09 21:51:40



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