Lean cost structure brings more royalties for authors and music publishers – mica

2023-06-16 08:44:28

Vienna (OTS)The annual result for 2022 of AKM presented at the general meeting of members shows a positive development in license revenues and underlines that the collecting society for music acts extremely efficiently and effectively in an international comparison.

Domestic license revenues of €101.6 million almost reach pre-pandemic level

The regulations for the use of music in Austria, at €101.6 million and thus an increase of 38.3%, almost reached the level before the pandemic (2019: €102.7 million). The growth in live performances to €17 million (+193.9%) and the mechanical reproduction of music (in shops, as background music, telephone waiting loops, etc.), which is almost twice as profitable at €30 million, is particularly pleasing as in the previous year (+96.6%). The license divisions TV broadcasts, radio broadcasts and cable forwarding show a stable performance, the income from online usage is at the high level of the previous year.

Music by Austrian authors is also popular abroad, so that revenues rose by 5.1% to 10.3 million euros.

Efficient rights management

The fee rate defines the administrative effort of a collecting society for the management of rights and is considered an international indicator of efficiency. At 9.47%, the expense rate is the AKM well below the European benchmark of 15%. General director Gernot Graninger is satisfied with the result: “Despite major challenges on the expense side, AKM once again proves with an expense rate of 9.47% that it works extremely efficiently in the management of rights and thus works entirely in the interests of its members.” However, in view of high inflation and the associated rising costs, it will become increasingly difficult in the future to keep expenses as low as this.

After deducting the expenses, the settlement total is 101.5 million euros, which is distributed to those authors and music publishers whose works have been publicly performed, played on radio or television, streamed or otherwise used.

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Conflict with the ORF

He is causing great concern AKM continue working with the ORF. As reported, the contract negotiations did not lead to any result, since the ORF insists on a 30% reduction in broadcasting fees. This requirement can and will AKM never comply. Arbitration proceedings have now been initiated, the result of which is open. AKM-President Peter Vieweger finds clear words: “The attitude of the ORF is incomprehensible in times of general inflation. We will represent the rights of authors and publishers with all the means and options available to us.”

Further details on the annual result can be found in the 2022 annual report.

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