Leadership must be international

Leadership must be international

PASOK presidential candidate Anna Diamantopoulou has been in Achaia since Friday morning. At 20.00 she held her main pre-election event at the My Way hotel in Patras.

On the sidelines of her visit, Mrs. Diamantopoulou gave an interview to the “Peloponnisos” newspaper, talking about what she sees as missing from PASOK, how she will convince society that the party’s proposals are needed, the ND reforms she does not see, but also answers whether her political orientation has changed.

– Mrs. Diamantopoulou, what was it that you saw that was missing from the current leadership of PASOK and decided to run for the presidency?

The elections for the PASOK presidency are not a formal process, but a great opportunity to regroup, expand and strengthen PASOK, bringing it back to a position of governance. My candidacy, therefore, is an invitation to those who turned to SYRIZA and did not find the modern center-left they were looking for or to the ND and did not find the reform they wanted, but also to the citizens who consciously stayed away in recent years, disappointed by our politics system. Having served in posts from across the spectrum of Public Administration, in the highest European offices, but also through the Network for Reform, I have the experience and knowledge not only to set, but also to implement the 21st century agenda. In addition, I have a route that will be a significant guarantee for a large part of the voters of the center and progressive citizens.

-In recent years, PASOK seems stuck in low double-digit percentages, both in the elections and in the polls. Given that the party has chosen to talk about politics but also that it has caused developments, how will you convince society that your proposals are appropriate?

I joined this battle because I deeply believe in the principles and values ​​of Social Democracy, which PASOK and its executives consistently advocate. However, in an age of climate change, the digital revolution, immigration and geopolitical upheaval, people want to hear our point of view. So this is the first and most important thing. The second is that our party should become participative and self-reliant. And the third, of course, is leadership. The leadership must be international, with international experience, with competence in local government and in the Parliament and in the government. This is the portfolio I submit and I ask everyone the next day to be united. Looking back at the deep roots it has in Greek society, PASOK can reorganize itself and create new policies that meet the needs of the 21st century, with different characteristics from the policies of the 1980s or 1990s, but also from the previous 10 years. Today, citizens demand clear, tangible and measurable solutions to their serious problems and answers that come from the future, not the past. For that future, conflict and change are needed and to do this there must be a leadership that, when the country needs it, will not stop in the face of fear of political cost.

-In the minds of many fellow citizens, there is a lack of opposition in the country’s political situation. What will be your main points against the government of Kyriakos Mitsotakis?

The New Democracy government claimed that it came to make reforms, but we have not seen any reforms. A lot of money was given from the Recovery Fund for digital transformation and green growth which, however, was not absorbed in the slightest. In 2020 the ND bible for the agricultural sector was for 25 major agricultural digital reform projects, but only 2 have started and are in progress, while in 2025 the program is completed. Today, a party must function with a collective process, with political consultations and a strong leadership opinion that can provide solutions to local problems. Fundamental changes are needed in agricultural policy, digital transformation, welfare state and education. The policies of Social Democracy are the proper regulation of the market and the strengthening of the welfare state. A social state whose quality concerns all citizens in the areas of health and education and provides proper support with individual policies to those in need.

– The goal of PASOK was and aspires to be the governance of the country. If you are elected president and then run for prime minister, what will be the main changes you will propose?

I have defined my vision for the faction and the country. Also, with the NETWORK, a modern policy-making institute that I have created, I have worked on all the important issues of the 21st century. Therefore we can talk and plan the reforms that the new era requires. The formation of a modern, convincing and socially realistic, alternative program for Greece in the 21st century.

The president of PASOK must plow Greece, bring back the young people, enter society, define a strategy. A key pillar of my proposals is, in principle, public and private sector cooperation. The state has to play a role in bringing private sector production because there is no development and no country without a dynamic industry. The second necessary step is a strong welfare state. It is not enough to give the National Health System money for doctors, a holistic reform is needed.

-Your political opponents, especially in previous years, hinted that you have “turned” your ideological compass to the right. What do you answer them? What will be the identity of your PASOK?

The vision for a great and ruling PASOK is the policies, values ​​and tools of Social Democracy of the 21st century. My course, my work, are linked throughout time with social achievements in Europe and Greece, while my positions in PASOK, but also in the European Social Democracy are known, recorded, have been recorded in 3 books and have been expressed not only in words but in actions .

-The successive political and economic crises significantly affected PASOK, resulting in the departure of party executives and supporters. Are they welcome back to the party? Do you draw a line as to who is spam?

I envision a modern, progressive, participatory, innovative and autonomous PASOK with open doors and windows to all citizens. This PASOK will cooperate in Parliament with all parties for the benefit of society and national interests. But the cooperation in the Parliament will be on specific issues. However, executives who turned against PASOK, discredited it and undermined it, seeking positions and positions elsewhere, have no place in our future PASOK.


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#Leadership #international



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