Le Pen’s call to Meloni: “Let’s work together to form the 2nd largest Eurogroup” – 2024-07-03 21:04:09

Marine Le Pen has sent an invitation to Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni to form a right-wing enlarged group ahead of the European elections. If the proposal is accepted, it cannot be ruled out that there will be broad rearrangements at the European level.

Her parties extreme right it is expected that they will record good performances in the European elections. However, there are strong doubts regarding which far-right parties will be able to work together across borders, as there is sharp division, particularly over the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Her proposal Lepen it happened on sunday. The French politician told Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera on Sunday: “This is the moment to unite, it would be really useful. If we succeed, we will become the second group in the European Parliament. I think we should not let such an opportunity pass by.”

THE Melonwhich at the same time has received an attack from the President of the Commission Ursula von der Leyen, to join forces with the EPP, has declared that she is open to cooperation with any right-wing party.

The ID and the ECR

Le Pen’s National Alarm belongs to the “Identity and Democracy” (ID) group, while Meloni’s Brothers of Italy party belongs to the “European Conservatives and Reformists” (ECR).

Le Pen’s invitation came just days following the Identity and Democracy party announced the expulsion of Germany’s far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party following a series of scandals and provocative statements. ID also owns the Italian League, the party that works in Meloni’s Italian governing coalition.

The cooperation of far-right parties is considered unlikely

Today, far-right parties are divided into four European groups. Many consider that one of the biggest issues of the election is the developments that might exist within the extreme right.

Any cooperation between them might make the extreme right the No. 2 force in the European Parliament.

However, many believe that such an eventuality still seems improbable.

What do the polls show?

The latest estimates have the Identity and Democracy party winning 68 seats and the European Conservatives and Reformists 71. That is, the two largest far-right parties look set to win 139 of the 720 seats. The AfD looks set to take 17 seats and Hungary’s Fidesz currently has 12 MEPs.

The currently heterogeneous far-right shows that it will claim just over 165 seats.

At the same time, the EPP seems to be able to win 174 seats, while the Socialists, as Politico’s Poll of Polls shows, claim 144 seats.

The processes on the far right

Former Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki of the conservative PiS in the ECR has also spoken out in favor of a major rally to the Right, with many suggesting Hungary’s Viktor Orban will also try to join following the European elections.

However, the process is not easy, due to internal disputes. The ECR’s Czechs and Romanians, for example, do not want to ally with Hungarian pro-Russian nationalists, while it remains unclear what will happen to the AfD.

At the same time, according to protothema, the Eurogroup Identity and Democracy appears to be losing seats following the expulsion of the AfD but has created new options for Le Pen, who might have a double victory if she succeeds in working with Meloni , since together they might influence the European agenda to the right.

In the interview, Le Pen denied that the expulsion of the AfD was intended to open new alliances. For her part, Meloni did not rule out accepting Le Pen’s proposal, telling RAI that she has no “red lines” on possible alliances with other European powers.

“The difference between the two sides shouldn’t be that big. My main goal is to build an alternative majority to the one that has governed in recent years. A center-right majority – in other words – that will send the left into opposition in Europe,” he said.

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#Pens #call #Meloni #Lets #work #form #2nd #largest #Eurogroup



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