“Le Pen? The old barriers have fallen” –

“I have always hoped at a European level that the old barriers between the alternative forces to the left would disappear, and it seems to me that in France too we are going in this direction”. In the followingmath of the first round of the French legislative elections, Giorgia Meloni photographs the situation in this way. While waiting for the run-off scheduled for next Sunday, the prime minister cannot help but note that “for the first time” the party of Marine Le Pen and Jordan Bardella “has had allies since the first round”, namely Marion Maréchal and Eric Ciotti, “and for the first time it seems to me that even the Républicains are oriented towards not participating in the so-called republican front”. “I notice something that in different forms also happens in Italy – is Meloni’s analysis -: the constant attempt to demonize and corner the people who do not vote for the left is a trick that serves to escape from the debate on the merits of the various political proposals. But it is a trick that fewer and fewer people are falling for, we have seen it in Italy, and we are seeing it more and more in Europe”.

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Analyzing what happened in the last few hours in France, the Prime Minister then underlines «a great turnout in the vote and this is always a very positive fact. On the political level, I congratulate the Rassemblement National and its allies for the clear victory in the first round. As for the runoff, I always treat the political and electoral dynamics of other nations with respect. Of course, we are facing a very polarized scenario where obviously I prefer the right».

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Rassemblement National is obviously supported by Matteo Salvini, “a long-time ally and friend” of Le Pen and Bardella. “The French vote – assures the deputy prime minister – might have positive repercussions on Europe too. It is a change that might be useful because while in Brussels they are rebuilding the same hypothesis of majority, despite having lost votes and pieces, on Ursula von der Leyen and alliances with the socialists and with Macron’s group, which even in France is now the minority of the minority, in Italy, in France, in Germany and in Spain, where the people vote, they are asking for a change”. Change that for the secretary of the League must also pass through a different configuration of political families in Europe. This is why he welcomed with interest the announcement made by the Hungarian prime minister Viktor Orban regarding a new group of European Patriots. Also dwelling on the outcome of the French vote is Meloni’s other deputy, Antonio Tajani, who, when asked if he is worried regarding a possible affirmation by Le Pen, replies: “I am worried regarding the risks of instability. The important thing is that Europe manages to be stable, that stability guarantees the markets. We will work with whatever government is chosen by the French citizens”. “My reference party in France is the Republicains who had a fairly positive result. Before making any comment we must wait for the run-off vote”, concludes the secretary of Forza Italia.

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#Pen #barriers #fallen #Tempo
2024-07-03 20:32:00



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