LE CREUSOT (Beaux Bagages): 600 spectators in the Nave for “Welcome to (or not…)

A big success for the first show of Les Escales Vagabondes.

Initially planned for the concrete forecourt of the Nave, the organizers made the wise decision to move it inside. A bar as a backdrop, a counter, a not too friendly bartender and a single customer, it will be the scene of a day somewhat surreal. Cups fly, bottles slide on the counter, brushes cross in the air, glasses sing… Jugglers with impressive dexterity, acrobats, classical musicians and rock stars in the end on “Thunderstruck” by the legendary Australian group ACDC, the spectators, young and old, were amazed for this first Escale Vagabonde.

Chantal Gaillard de Torcy

“For me, this is the first time I’ve come to the Beaux Bagages show with my sister. I was not disappointed and the public came in large numbers despite the heat. The jugglers are very good and it takes imagination to put on such a show. I think I will be back for future shows. »

Christine and Danielle, Le Creusot

“We have been regulars at Les Beaux Bagages since the beginning, around ten years ago. We had seen the first show in the courtyard of the media library. There were barely a hundred spectators to see Robby, a singer. Since then, we have missed almost none. Today, we found the show enjoyable and original, with no downtime. Both artists are very talented and the music is well chosen. »




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