Le benchmark 3DMark Speed Way sortira demain

A ray tracing benchmark designed to challenge next-generation graphics cards.

UL Solutions warns that its new 3DMark Speed ​​Way GPU benchmark will be available tomorrow, October 12. Of course, the company did not choose this day at random: it coincides with the launch of the GeForce RTX 4090, graphics card whose test you can now consult.

The new buyers of 3DMark on Steam will be able to take advantage of this new benchmark immediately. However, the addition of Speed ​​Way inflates the price of the suite by 5 dollars: from 29.99 dollars currently, it will increase to 34.99 dollars. In euros, 3DMark costs 24.99 euros; it is assumed that the additional cost will be 5 euros. Those who already own the benchmark software will be able to get 3DMark Speed ​​Way as an upgrade. UL will charge $4.99 for the DLC.

In order to better pass the pill, UL recalls that since the release of “Time Spy in 2016, 3DMark users have benefited from numerous free updates, including Time Spy Extreme, 3DMark CPU Profile, 3DMark Wild Life and multiple tests demonstrating the new DirectX features”.

In addition, Speed ​​Way will of course be available as a free upgrade for 3DMark Professional Edition customers with a valid annual license.

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Excessive ray tracing to torture new GPUs

According to the company, 3DMark Speed ​​Way is a new GPU benchmark designed for new generations of graphics cards (GeForce RTX 4000 Ada Lovelace chez NVIDIA, Radeon RX 7000 RDNA 3 at AMD). The test “uses ray tracing and real-time global illumination to render realistic lighting and reflections. It uses new DirectX 12 Ultimate features such as mesh shaders and variable rate shading to maximize performance and visual quality.” We bet that videos showing the performance of different GPUs on this benchmark will swarm on YouTube in a few hours.

3D Mark is enriched with a test to evaluate Intel’s XeSS technology

Source : UL Solutions

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