Lazio is moving forward: it wants to unlock building amnesties for 3.6 billion

Faced with tens of thousands of applications for building amnesty still pending in Lazio, there are approximately 3.6 billion euros of estimated revenue – according to a study – which, if collected, might represent a precious resource for the Municipalities, allowing targeted interventions for the safety of the territory and the improvement of quality of life of citizens. This morning the press conference on the law proposal relating to modification of regional law 12/2004 “Provisions regarding the definition of construction offences”. Speakers included regional councilor Laura Corrotti, signatory of the bill and president of the urban planning, housing policies and waste commission, and the councilor for urban planning, housing policies, public housing and sea policies, Pasquale Ciacciarelli. With them also the regional coordinators and the Roman secretaries of the centre-right breakfast parties.

What does the bill provide?

The bill that modifies regional law 12/2004 allows the Lazio Region to take an «important step for building regularization. This is thanks – it was explained – to the removal of a crucial incident, which clarifies to comply with the orientation expressed with Law 326/2003. This modification follows the path of other Italian regions, ensuring greater coherence in the application of the relevant regulations”. The attention of the proposed law focuses on the issue of the remedy of building violations. In fact, there currently exists one unequal treatment for those who submitted amnesty applications at different times, creating uncertainty and potential injustices in administrative procedures. The removal of the clause aims to guarantee a homogeneous application of the jurisprudential principles regarding the constraints that have arisen and the compatibility of the works carried out, ensuring transparency and coherence in the work of the competent administrations.

Corrotti (Fdi): «The objective is to heal tens of thousands of cases blocked by a 2004 regional law»

«An attempt to remedy a glaring injustice: this is the intent of the bill that I filed and which aims to remedy tens of thousands of practices blocked by a 2004 regional law. The law in question, more restrictive than the legislation state in force, made the works in the areas subject to constraints that appeared following the application unrepairable”, explains Laura Corrotti (Fratelli d’Italia). «My bill, by removing an excerpt from the original text, intends to repeal the exclusion from condonability of works carried out even before the restriction was affixed. In this way – he continues – the injustice suffered by thousands of Lazio citizens who had already submitted an application for amnesty and in some cases even paid without having been able to regularize their position due to a constraint added at a later time would be remedied. In a community, legality must be a priority but at the same time equity must also be.” «The proposed law to amend regional law 12/2004, presented by councilor Laura Corrotti, will allow, by overcoming an objective disparity in treatment that has arisen in the field of building amnesties in recent years, to unblock thousands of practices, guaranteeing substantial revenues for local authorities”, underlines Pasquale Ciacciarelli. «A measure shared as it was deemed necessary to resolve a need of many citizens who have been waiting for a response for some time. We will work in concert with councilor Laura Corrotti to quickly allow the definitive approval and entry into force of this amendment”, he concludes.

#Lazio #moving #unlock #building #amnesties #billion
2024-04-05 23:09:53



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