Lawyer kicked out of court…because of “Facebook”

2024-08-17 12:56:31

Joanna Farhat writes in Al-Markazia:

The crisis over the president’s decision to block lawyer Mohamed Sablou’s access to the military tribunal did not go as smoothly and quietly as one had hoped, with stances of condemnation and solidarity continuing, waiting for reactions to turn into action.

MP Elie Al-Khoury, a member of the Strong Republican Bloc, expressed regret for what happened after he prevented the military court judge Muhammad Sablouh from exercising his right to defend one of the MPs. Opposition was raised against his actions. On the one hand, he called for a military court, and on the other hand, he called on lawyers to enforce the law and abide by the law so that fairness and justice can be done.

In turn, Rep. Ashraf Rifi wrote: “The decision of the President of the Military Court to prevent lawyer Mohammad Sablou from entering the courtroom is unlawful and reflects an act of discretion by the court, which is in line with my call to the Bar Association The spirit of justice is not consistent.” Take action against this illegal behavior and legal professional conduct. “

This is perhaps not the first time that military courts have become the name of a case about law, rights and justice. However, Sabloh’s experience sets a legal precedent, as he told Al-Markazia: “As a lawyer who specializes in human rights and terrorism cases, I am used to telling the truth and not keeping silent about it, Every time a military court delivered an unfair verdict, I expressed my legal position through my social media page.

Sablou said that in detail, the ruling against one of his clients, who was arrested by the Lebanese army in 2023 for alleged involvement in a terrorist gang, was shocking because the gang’s leader and its members were arrested in 2007 An absentee arrest warrant was issued against his client in 2007 while he was working in a shop in the Al-Qubba area.

Sabluh added: “My client spent 18 days during the preliminary investigation and was beaten and tortured until the defendant admitted that he had been beaten before he was brought before the investigating judge. Sabluh did not read the content was beaten in the case and signed a report, he asked the president of the court to have his client undergo a forensic examination, but his request was refused and 5 files were opened for the defendant, which was the default judgment The first file. Involves allegations of attacking troops and throwing a bomb at a woman.

Sablou noted that when the incident occurred in Hanin, where he was accused of attacking the Lebanese army with the participation of Khalid Habraas, he requested communications data to confirm the whereabouts of his client. It turns out that the defendant was in Acre that day. After the meeting, Sabloo walked into Brigadier General Jaber’s office and told him: “I hope justice will be done.”

The ruling was the final blow as Sabloh’s client was sentenced to 12 years in prison for his role in the attack on the army, noting that it had been verified and proven that he was in Acre at the time of the incident and that the person in charge was Khalid, a member of the group. Khaled Hablas was sentenced to 10 years in prison.

Then, Sablouh said, I wrote on my Facebook page: “He was accused of leading a gang and was sentenced to 4 years in prison. Based on data and eyewitness accounts, he was found not guilty. He was sentenced to 12 years in prison.” This It was military justice in Saxony. He included the hashtag “Abolish Military Justice” on his page.

As we all know, Saxon courts were known in the Middle Ages for unfair sentences, especially against the poor, and the death penalty was the secret beheading of criminals from the aristocratic class!

When Sabloh entered the military court last Wednesday morning to defend one of the defendants, he was surprised by the decision issued by the court’s president, Brigadier General Jaber, to ban him from entering, prompting him to write a statement. The reasons and background for this decision were discussed. He confirmed that the post disturbed the president of the court, so he issued a decision banning him from the military court for three months, despite Sabloh’s response under Article 59 of the Military Judiciary, Jaber Brigadier General said.

What saddened Sablo most was that when he was expelled from the military court, the lawyers present remained silent. “I didn’t hear any objection from any lawyer, even though there were about 15 of them, and no one Withdraw. He said he had sent documents to the Beirut and Tripoli bar associations, international organizations, national bar associations and the special rapporteur of the United Nations Human Rights Council.

The entry of my union into the armistice line did not diminish Sablou’s interest and righteous resistance, as he said: “This is a legal precedent for several reasons, the first being that I was insulted in front of my clients and my reputation was tarnished .

What if the law does not follow the path of justice? “Silent silence on this legal precedent means silencing the voice of every lawyer who dares to expose human rights violations and preventing them from confronting him,” Sablou concluded.

#Lawyer #kicked #court…because #Facebook



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