Lawyer Expresses Satisfaction as Six Individuals Held in Cádiz Incident Set to Be Released


Lawyer Bárbara Royo, who represents one of the individuals being investigated and currently in prison for the events that occurred in February in Barbate (Cádiz) where two Civil Guard officers lost their lives after being run over by a speedboat, has expressed her “satisfaction” regarding the release of the investigated individuals, which will take place on Tuesday afternoon, as she indicated. “An error was being disguised, persisting in it and buying time,” she stated.

As she explained to Europa Press, she joined the case as the attorney for one of the investigated last week, after a new denial from the Provincial Court of Cádiz for provisional release of those imprisoned for these events arrived a few days earlier. Thus, after declaring the six incarcerated individuals as witnesses in the case last week, Royo once again urged the Prosecutor’s Office to express its position on the release.

Now, on Tuesday, the Prosecutor’s Office has sent a new report to the judge in which it does not oppose provisional release. In this regard, it is worth noting that the Prosecutor’s Office indicated that it made this decision based on the current state of the investigation, not because of any agreement reached with the defenses.

For her part, Bárbara Royo has expressed that she is “very pleased with the release.” “It was about time; since the UCO ruled out the responsibility of the detainees in the events we all know, no less than three months have passed without the exonerated individuals being released,” the lawyer recalled, adding that “there have been constant denials both from the Prosecutor’s Office and from the Barbate court and the Provincial Court of Cádiz.”

In her opinion, “an error was being disguised by persisting in it and buying time, but this could not go on any longer,” which is why she celebrated that the Prosecutor’s Office has changed its stance. “However, I think it was very timely to leave for Tuesday what could have been done on Monday,” because “today the whole country will be focused on the doors of Moncloa and the entrance of the judge, and not on those of the prison and the exit of six mistreated by the system, thereby further neutralizing the error,” she claimed.



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