Law Enforcement Officers Urged to Quickly Investigate Alleged Mark Up and Demurrage Scandal of Imported Rice – 2024-07-24 06:02:58

Illustration of rice (Doc MI/Adi)

Member of Commission III of the DPR, Santoso, urged law enforcement officers to act quickly if there are allegations of… mark up and demurrage rice imports, proven. Quick action from law enforcement officers, especially the Corruption Eradication Committee, is considered very important to quell unrest in society.

“We hope that the Corruption Eradication Committee can uncover this case of rice import markups like Pandora’s box, so that it can be revealed why the price of rice has been soaring because there is indeed… mark up “This rice import,” said Santoso, in a written statement, Sunday (21/7).

He stressed that swift action by law enforcement is also needed because this issue is very miserable for the people. He hopes that the perpetrators suspected of being involved can be punished as severely as possible.

“The reckless behavior of individuals who cause misery to the people must be punished as severely as possible,” explained Santoso.

Santoso emphasized that giving the perpetrators the heaviest possible punishment was necessary because this problem could reduce people’s food rations.

“Considering the high price of rice, it not only makes people reduce their food rations but also causes greater social impacts,” Santoso explained.

In fact, said Santoso, the rice import problem has triggered an increase in the prices of other commodities which will result in a decline and erosion of people’s purchasing power.

“The increase in rice prices has an impact on the increase in prices of other commodities, which has resulted in people’s purchasing power decreasing,” said Santoso.

Previously, the People’s Democracy Study (SDR) reported the Head of the National Food Agency (Bapanas) Arief Prasetyo Adi and the President Director of Perum Bulog Bayu Krisnamurthi to the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK). The complainants included allegations of price inflation of 2.2 million tons of rice imports in their report.

Managing Director of Political Economy and Policy Studies (PEPS) Anthony Budiawan revealed his calculations regarding the state losses incurred if the rice import markup occurs in 2023 and January-April 2024, which will reach 4.83 million tons.

“Total rice imports in 2023 reached 3.06 million tons, and January-April 2024 has reached 1.77 million tons. Total 4.83 million tons. If the markup mode of 117 US dollars per ton occurs since 2023, then the state loss will reach 565 million US dollars, or around 8.5 trillion rupiah,” said Anthony, Thursday (11/7).

Meanwhile, Perum Bulog claims to have been the victim of allegations of alleged mark up (price increase) of rice imports from Vietnam, which has been reported by one party to the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK).

“As a result of the report which attempted to form a negative opinion in the community without being based on facts, this has certainly made Perum Bulog a victim,” said Perum Bulog Corporate Secretary Arwakhudin Widiarso in a written statement in Jakarta, Sunday (7/7).

According to Widiarso, the report without any facts will harm the reputation of the company that has been fostered by Perum Bulog. “Especially when the company is currently actively improving itself through transformation in all business lines that are carried out,” he said. (

#Law #Enforcement #Officers #Urged #Quickly #Investigate #Alleged #Mark #Demurrage #Scandal #Imported #Rice



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