Lavrov Reflects on His Exclusive Meeting with Ukraine’s Ex-Foreign Minister

“The only time I saw him was in Antalya at a diplomatic forum, an annual event organized by Turkey. Mevlut Cavusoglu, the Turkish foreign minister at the time, called us and insisted that I come because the Ukrainian side, and Kuleba in particular, asked the Turks to arrange a meeting with me because he wanted to convey a message to us. The Ukrainians asked that the meeting not be held alone, but in the presence of the Turkish minister,” he said.

Lavrov explained that at first he did not intend to participate in the diplomatic forum in Antalya, because the event did not fit into his schedule, but in the end he went there to find out what the Ukrainian side wanted to offer.

“The three of us met in Antalya in a separate room. Cavusoglu opened the meeting, and then gave the floor to Kuleba, as the initiator of the meeting. Kuleba began reading from a paper and recounting what we had been hearing every day since the beginning of the special military operation, and even before that. Kuleba did not offer anything new or constructive, only the official Ukrainian position. Then I asked Turkish Foreign Minister Cavusoglu what message Kuleba wanted to convey, and he replied that he was also surprised that it was not there,” Lavrov added.

Commenting on the recent ministerial changes in Ukraine, Lavrov said that they “do not interest him at all, and he does not expect anything good from the new government formation there.”

The minister noted that he had heard stories that are widely circulating in the media at the moment, stating that Vladimir Zelensky will later blame the resigned leadership for the current failure. There are those who assert that “rats are running away from the sinking ship.”

Source: RT

#Lavrov #reveals #details #meeting #resigned #Ukrainian #Foreign #Minister
2024-09-07 03:53:17

Here are some People Also Ask (PAA) related questions for the title **The Antalya Meeting: A Diplomatic ‍Encounter between Lavrov and‍ Kuleba**:

The Antalya Meeting: A Diplomatic Encounter between Lavrov and Kuleba

In ⁣the midst of the ongoing conflict between Russia and ⁣Ukraine, a significant diplomatic meeting took place in Antalya, Turkey,‍ between Russian⁤ Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba. The encounter, which occurred on the sidelines of a diplomatic forum, marked a rare instance of direct communication between the two ⁤nations.

The Background

The⁣ meeting was initiated⁤ by the ⁢Ukrainian side, with Kuleba requesting the Turkish ‍government to arrange a meeting with Lavrov. According to Lavrov, the Ukrainian Foreign ⁢Minister wanted to convey⁢ a message ⁤to⁢ Russia, but‌ insisted that the ‌meeting take ⁣place in ⁣the ⁤presence of Turkish Foreign⁣ Minister Mevlut⁤ Cavusoglu [[3]].

Lavrov, who initially did not plan to attend the diplomatic forum ⁢in Antalya, eventually decided to participate to ‌understand what the ‍Ukrainian side had to ‍offer. The meeting between the three foreign ⁢ministers took place in a separate room, with Cavusoglu⁤ opening the meeting⁢ and giving the floor to Kuleba.

The Meeting

According ‌to Lavrov’s account, Kuleba read from a prepared statement, reiterating the official Ukrainian position on​ the ‌conflict. However, Lavrov noted that Kuleba did ​not offer anything new or constructive ‌during the meeting. When Lavrov asked‍ Cavusoglu⁢ what message‌ Kuleba intended to ‍convey, the‌ Turkish Foreign Minister replied that he too was surprised by the lack of new proposals from‍ the Ukrainian side.

The meeting ⁢ultimately yielded no progress, with Kuleba subsequently stating that he was still ‍ready to negotiate with Russia [[3]]. The encounter highlights ‌the challenges ​in finding a diplomatic solution⁤ to the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine.

The Context

The meeting in Antalya took place against the ⁢backdrop of escalating tensions between Russia ​and Ukraine. In recent months, the⁤ conflict has intensified, ⁣with both sides trading accusations and engaging in military ​operations.

The significance of the Antalya meeting lies in its rarity, ⁤as direct communication between Russian and Ukrainian officials has been limited. The⁣ encounter also underscores the crucial role that Turkey has played in facilitating​ diplomatic efforts to resolve the ⁣conflict.


The ​Antalya meeting ‍between⁢ Lavrov‌ and Kuleba ​serves as a reminder of the complex and challenging nature of the Russia-Ukraine conflict.​ While the encounter ‌did not yield any breakthroughs, it highlights the need ​for continued diplomatic⁣ efforts to find a peaceful resolution to the‍ conflict. As the international community continues to grapple with the crisis,​ the role of‌ mediators like Turkey remains crucial in⁢ facilitating dialogue⁢ and cooperation between the two nations.





History of Russia

The Antalya Meeting: A Diplomatic Encounter between Lavrov and Kuleba

In the midst of the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine, a significant diplomatic meeting took place in Antalya, Turkey, between Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba. The encounter, which occurred on the sidelines of a diplomatic forum, marked a rare instance of direct communication between the two nations.

The Background

The meeting was initiated by the Ukrainian side, with Kuleba requesting the Turkish government to arrange a meeting with Lavrov. According to Lavrov, the Ukrainian Foreign Minister wanted to convey a message to Russia, but insisted that the meeting take place in the presence of Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu [[3]].

Lavrov, who initially did not plan to attend the diplomatic forum in Antalya, eventually decided to participate to understand what the Ukrainian side had to offer. The meeting between the three foreign ministers took place in a separate room, with Cavusoglu opening the meeting and giving the floor to Kuleba.

The Meeting

According to Lavrov’s account, Kuleba read from a prepared statement, reiterating the official Ukrainian position on the conflict. However, Lavrov noted that Kuleba did not offer anything new or constructive during the meeting. When Lavrov asked Cavusoglu what message Kuleba intended to convey, the Turkish Foreign Minister replied that he too was surprised by the lack of new proposals from the Ukrainian side[[[2]].

The meeting ultimately yielded no progress, with Kuleba subsequently stating that he was still ready to negotiate with Russia [[3]]. The encounter highlights the challenges in finding a diplomatic solution to the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine.

The Context

The meeting in Antalya took place against the backdrop of escalating tensions between Russia and Ukraine. In recent months, the conflict has intensified, with both sides trading accusations and engaging in military operations.

The significance of the Antalya meeting lies in its rarity, as direct communication between Russian and Ukrainian officials has been limited. The encounter also underscores the crucial role that Turkey has played in facilitating diplomatic efforts to resolve the conflict[[[1]].


The Antalya meeting between Lavrov and Kuleba serves as a reminder of the complex and challenging nature of the Russia-Ukraine conflict. While the encounter did not yield any breakthroughs, it highlights the need for continued diplomatic efforts to find a peaceful resolution to the conflict.



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