Lavrio: Shocking video of the stabbings of two students outside a school after a fight

Students playing crown letters human lives. It is the moment when a 16-year-old student of Lavrio stabs 2 of his classmates in the leg. Result of the wild fight between the students outside their school.

The students of the Lyceum were caught red-handed for a trivial reason, but the situation quickly got out of hand when a minor pulled out a knife.

“It is actually about something that has been lurking in the school for the last 2-3 weeks, a fight that had 2-3 episodes. We are undeniably worried,” said the president of the EPAL Lavrio Parents Association, Stavros Karagounis.

However, this is not the first time that violence prevails in this particular school.

The images presented by MEGA are from the end of the last school season. Students of the same high school exchange punches and kicks, turning the school yard into a ring.

Classmates videotape them, and instead of separating them, they urge one to continue until the end.

“The fact that, as in all schools, various micro-incidents occur, it is not sudden that something like this happens at EPAL, it happens everywhere and I repeat that the reasons for all of this are, if you allow me to use the word ridiculous”, added Mr. Karagounis.

The 13 arrested were taken to the public prosecutor

13 students among them and an adult were arrested for the fierce fight in Lavrio. In the morning they were taken to the prosecutor.

At 11:30 in the morning, the 13 arrested students who participated in the wild fight at the Lavrio High School arrived at the Evelpidon courts.

Among them is the 16-year-old who, during the fight, took out a knife and injured his 2 classmates.

“The criminal procedure has not been completed, the case has been referred to the juvenile prosecutor and in the coming days it will be examined by the competent prosecutor, for the time being all the minors have been released and we are now awaiting the fate of the adult perpetrator,” said Vassilis Sourlas, lawyer for the injured .

The adult student was charged with aiding and abetting grievous bodily harm.



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