“Lavraki” from AADE’s Appodixi: Revealed software that deleted more than 60% of turnover in a restaurant

Another shocking case “hacked” and illegal software came to light, through a complaint to Appodixi app of the Independent Public Revenue Authority.

Specifically, AADE inspectors identified a restaurant, which had “tampered” with the software of the tax mechanism as follows:

The ERP system, i.e. the application software for issuing tax information, gave the order to send the file containing only the first item of the order to Z for recording. Then, was sending a file with other content to be printed (with all ordered items) so that it can be given to the customer so that he can make sure he got a receipt.

And that’s not all. To add legitimacy to the whole process and to avoid the slightest suspicion, the compromised software also produced a fake serial number (also known as PAIPSS) on the receipt.

However, the illegal software did not stop at just deleting the ordered items, except for the first one. He went one step further:

He wrote off 30% of the total bill in the official tax file.

What does this mean in numbers? That in 2020, 2021 and 2022 the illegal software had reduced the value of 18,300 receipts by more than 60%, with the company thus concealing a turnover of 440,000 euros.

Both the caterer and the company that provided the receipt software will be fined, while further scrutiny of the wider tax behavior of the restaurant and its shareholders is already underway.

#Lavraki #AADEs #Appodixi #Revealed #software #deleted #turnover #restaurant



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