Lauterbach announces revision of quarantine rules – Great Britain draws up Omikron contingency plans

The shortening of the quarantine in the pandemic due to Omikron is in the opinion of Berlin’s Governing Mayor Franziska Giffey currently not necessary yet. “Right now we don’t need that because our critical infrastructure has not yet been put out of action,” said the SPD politician in an interview with Deutschlandfunk Weekly. You see it as a step model. Only when it is foreseeable that the police, fire brigade and other institutions are no longer able to work, such a measure must be decided.

Given the expected high number of infections with the Omikron variant, Discussed shorter quarantine times in Germany. Britain and the US have the duration for Infected with no symptoms shortened to prevent acute staff shortages in areas that are necessary for basic services and security. Spain and Portugal shortened the quarantine period for asymptomatic infected people from ten to seven days.

Bavaria’s Prime Minister Markus Söder and Health Minister Klaus Holetschek (both CSU) have been pushing for a regulation for Germany for a few days. “From my point of view, one would be conceivable, for example liberation from quarantine for boosted contacts“, Said Holetschek. A statement from the Robert Koch Institute or the Expert Council is necessary before the Prime Minister’s Conference on January 7th.




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