Laurent Wauquiez charges Emmanuel Macron, “model of a president who is both monarchical and dictator”

A violent charge. The former boss of the Les Républicains (LR) party, Laurent Wauquiez, attacked Emmanuel Macron head-on, Friday March 4, in Chartres, during a round table on decentralization, organized around Valérie Pécresse. The president of the Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes region criticized Mr. Macron’s “Jupiterian” governance, “model of a president who is both monarchical and dictator”. A harsh sentence which was quickly mitigated by those around the candidate, citing “words that have exceeded his thought”.

“Valérie Pécresse will allow us to get out of arrogance”added Mr. Wauquiez, wishing “recovering the Pomidolian common sense” to do “breathe France”. He also criticized the Head of State for using the war in Ukraine with a “absolute cynicism” like a « camouflage » to avoid being watched “reality of our country”.

Read also After the candidacy of Emmanuel Macron, the opposition fears a campaign without debate

Change of strategy

Before this gathering at the Charters exhibition center – which gathered around the candidate the President of the Senate, Gérard Larcher, the President of the Association of Mayors of France, David Lisnard, and several hundred elected officials –, the four “ musketeers “of the candidate LR – Xavier Bertrand, Eric Ciotti, Michel Barnier and Philippe Juvin – had already criticized very harshly the results of the outgoing president, during a press conference.

In recent days, LR strategists have said they want to avoid pounding the balance sheet of the five-year term, an operation deemed delicate given the international context. The day following Emmanuel Macron declared his candidacy, via a letter to the French, they changed hands.

Read also Article reserved for our subscribers For Emmanuel Macron, an entry into the campaign while sobriety



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