Laura Smet Navigates a Difficult Breakup with Partner 18 Years Her Senior

By Bertrand Bielle | Journalist

Curious by nature, Bertrand is always on the lookout for the slightest little scoop. Passionate about football, he is never far from the round ball and all the news that comes from it. However, the events of showbiz or politics are also part of his preferred journalistic research.

France 2 is rebroadcasting, this Friday, September 6 at 9:10 p.m., an episode of “Capitaine Marleau”, with Laura Smet as guest. The opportunity to take an interest in the latter, and more precisely in her former love affair with a well-known writer.

Laura Smet separated from a famous man who is 18 years older than her: their breakup was difficult to live through

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Surprise: France 2 is offering you this Friday evening an episode of Captain Marleau in which Laura Smet appears. This is the perfect opportunity to look at the daughter of Johnny Hallyday and Nathalie Baye and to return in more detail to her romance with Frédéric Beigbeder (who, as a reminder, was accused of rape a few months ago, before the complaint was dismissed). At the time they began their story, in 2004, the writer was 18 years older than her.

And the young woman’s entourage does not see in a very good light the fact that she is dating a man known for his excesses and addictions in the world of the night. At the time of their breakup, the one who was “flattered” to go out with such an influential person had taken a long time to recover from this heartache. So much so that she was admitted to the Georges-Pompidou hospital in Paris following the ingestion of a cocktail of drugs, before being interned for a few months at Sainte-Anne.

Laura Smet at her worst, before rebuilding herself

Pour Paris MatchLaura Smet confided that at that time she was in “a state of terrible depression“, linked to “alcohol and drug use“. Before adding that she felt “invulnerable“as she was getting ready”in danger of death“. A sad descent into hell, which is now, and fortunately, only a distant memory for Léo’s mother (born October 7, 2020 from her marriage to businessman Raphaël Lancrey-Javal).

She has since found love again and seems to be doing much better. For his part, Frédéric Beigbeder married the Swiss artist and photographer Lara Micheli, whom he met in Geneva. The couple had a daughter in 2015 (Oona), then a boy in May 2017 (Léonard). At the time of his story with Laura Smet (he already explained to Europe 1 that seeing her was somehow “a little distressing”), he was already the father of Chloë, born in 1999 from his relationship with the actress and novelist Delphine Valette. Despite this breakup, the two exes are not at war and even met again during an evening in 2022.

Here are some PAA (People Also Ask) related questions‌ based on the ⁢title “Laura Smet: The Turbulent Romance with Frédéric ‌Beigbeder and Her Journey to Redemption”:

Laura Smet: ⁢The ⁤Turbulent Romance with Frédéric Beigbeder and Her Journey to Redemption

Laura Smet, the daughter of French music legend Johnny Hallyday and actress Nathalie Baye, has led a life under the scrutiny of the public eye. However, her romance with famous⁢ writer Frédéric Beigbeder in the early 2000s was a tumultuous period that marked a significant turning point ⁢in her life.

A Difficult Breakup and Descent⁣ into Darkness

When Laura Smet began dating Frédéric Beigbeder in 2004, she⁢ was 18 years younger than the writer, who was known for his excesses ‌and addictions in the world of nightlife. Her entourage was not ‍pleased with⁤ the relationship, and when ‌they eventually⁢ broke up, Laura Smet struggled to cope with the heartache. The aftermath of their separation led to a dark ‍period in her life, marked by‍ depression, ⁣alcohol, and drug use.

In an interview with Paris⁣ Match [[1]], Laura ‌Smet confessed that she was in “a state of terrible depression” during this time, which led to her ⁤hospitalization at Georges-Pompidou ⁤hospital in Paris ​after ingesting a cocktail of drugs. She was later interned for a few months at Sainte-Anne ⁣hospital. ⁣The experience ⁤left her feeling “invulnerable” and “in danger of death.”

Beigbeder’s Reflections on Their Relationship

Years after their breakup,‌ Frédéric Beigbeder reflected on their relationship, admitting that he ⁢should have been more ⁤cautious in⁢ his approach to their romance. In‌ an interview with Closer [[2]], Beigbeder ‌expressed regret over ⁤his actions, ⁤stating, “J’aurais ⁣dû ‍être plus prudent”‍ (“I should have been⁤ more careful”).

Laura Smet’s Road to Redemption

Despite the challenges ‌she faced,⁢ Laura Smet has since rebuild her ‌life and moved on from​ the darkness of her past. ‌In 2021, she even invited‌ Frédéric Beigbeder to her ⁣wedding, a gesture that demonstrated her capacity​ for forgiveness and growth [[3]].

Today, Laura Smet is a mother to her son Léo, born in 2020, and continues to ⁢pursue her acting career, including her recent appearance on France⁢ 2’s “Capitaine Marleau.” Her story serves as a testament to the ⁣human capacity for resilience and ⁣redemption.


Laura Smet’s tumultuous romance with Frédéric Beigbeder was a defining period in her life, marked by heartache, depression, and addiction. However, her journey to redemption is ‌a powerful reminder that it’s‌ never too late to seek help, forgive, and rebuild one’s life.

Here are some possible People Also Ask (PAA) questions related to the title **”Laura Smet: The Turbulent Romance with Frédéric Beigbeder and Her Journey to Redemption”**:

Laura Smet: The Turbulent Romance with Frédéric Beigbeder and Her Journey to Redemption

Laura Smet, the daughter of French music legend Johnny Hallyday and actress Nathalie Baye, has led a life under the scrutiny of the public eye. However, her romance with famous writer Frédéric Beigbeder in the early 2000s was a tumultuous period that marked a significant turning point in her life.

A Difficult Breakup and Descent into Darkness

When Laura Smet began dating Frédéric Beigbeder in 2004, she was 18 years younger than the writer, who was known for his excesses and addictions in the world of nightlife. Her entourage was not pleased with the relationship, and when they eventually broke up, Laura Smet struggled to cope with the heartache. The aftermath of their separation led to a dark period in her life, marked by depression, alcohol, and drug use.

In an interview with Paris Match [[1]], Laura Smet confessed that she was in “a state of terrible depression” during this time, which led to her hospitalization at Georges-Pompidou hospital in Paris after ingesting a cocktail of drugs. She was later interned for a few months at Sainte-Anne hospital. The experience left her feeling “invulnerable” and “in danger of death.”

Beigbeder’s Reflections on Their Relationship

Years after their breakup, Frédéric Beigbeder reflected on their relationship, admitting that he should have been more cautious in his approach to their romance. In an interview with Closer [[2]], Beigbeder expressed regret over his actions, stating, “J’aurais dû être plus prudent” (“I should have been more careful”).

Laura Smet’s Road to Redemption

Despite the challenges she faced, Laura Smet has since rebuilt her life and moved on from the darkness of her past. In 2021, she even invited Frédéric



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