Laura (MAPR) pregnant with her first child, a twist surprises future parents

Laura, ex-candidate of the fifth season of the show Married at first sight on M6, finally announced that she was pregnant with a baby girl, several weeks after revealing that she was expecting a boy on Instagram.

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The family of Married at first sight keeps getting bigger! Lauraex-contestant of season five of the show, announced last September that she was pregnant with her first child on her social networks. The young lady divorced after a few months of relationship with Clément, with which she was apparently 82% compatible, according to science. However, the contestant found love again in the arms of a man named Ondraa young man from the Czech Republic, which seems full of humor. They met through mutual friends shortly before the program aired in 2021. The couple then made their relationship official in July 2021 and are now expecting their first child.

An announcement full of surprises…

A mini us. We want to share today, with you, a nice news: a little being will soon point the tip of his nose for our greatest happiness”, they shared to their followers last September on Instagram. The couple received many messages at this announcement from former program candidates such as Marlene from the third seasonCongratulations again guys! I validate x1000 the photo, it looks so much like you” or Vivien, still in a relationship with CharlineOh but magic congratulations! Very good.“And a few weeks later, Laura posted a new post on social media revealing the gender of their baby: a baby boy. In the photo, the couple hold a blue smoke bomb with huge smiles… but their post description recently changed.

It’s a girl !

Laura and Ondra are not expecting a baby boy, but a little girl! Indeed, they learned during a new ultrasound that the sex of the baby was indeed female and that a mistake was probably made because of the umbilical cord. “It’s a girl! It’s a mini Lolo finally who will enlarge our family”, they mentioned under their photo. “There was a change at the last echo, surely the cord that played tricks on us. We did not have a preference so we are especially delighted that everything is going well!

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