Laura Gil leaves the Foreign Ministry due to alleged bad relations with Álvaro Leyva; she will now be ambassador in Vienna


Gil will not continue as Vice Minister of Multilateral Affairs. In the midst of the commotion, there is talk of differences that she had with the chancellor.


In the last few hours, the Colombian Foreign Ministry reported a high-level change in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The Vice Chancellor for Multilateral Affairs Laura Gil will leave that position, and as reported by this means, she will become ambassador in Vienna.

In his replacement will be Elizabeth Taylor Jay, a biologist with a master’s degree in protection of the marine environment, former Colombian ambassador in Kenya and co-agent in the case of Colombia against Nicaragua for more than 200 nautical miles of continental shelf.

SEMANA learned that Gil’s departure was due to differences he had in recent weeks with Foreign Minister Álvaro Leyva.

The revolt in the Foreign Ministry also occurred when Leyva was accused in the last hours by the sociologist Sara Tufano of supposedly “falling in” for younger women under the “pretext of getting them a job.” Leyva responded to SEMANA that this is “crazy” and that “whoever affirms, proves in law.” “There are the officials of the Foreign Ministry to say so,” he said.

Through a statement, the Foreign Ministry reported the change of Gil for Taylor. They reported that the former vice minister will fulfill a “strategic mission for Colombia abroad.”

In the document They thanked Gil for his “contribution to gender policies, commitment and work done over the months.”

In recent days, Gil had presented a strong speech before the United Nations Organization (UN) in which he requested the decriminalization of the coca leaf.

It happened in the framework of the general debate of the 66th session of the United Nations Commission on Narcotic Drugs, in which the former vice minister requested that the coca leaf be removed from the list of prohibited substances in the world.

During his speech, Gil affirmed that “locating the coca leaf on the list of controlled substances of the Single Convention of 1961 constituted a historical error against the indigenous peoples of the Andes. The plant is not the problem, the plant is part of our history and our traditions”.

The former vice minister took advantage of the public attention to call on the participants, with the aim of thoroughly reviewing the classification of the plant and decriminalizing it.

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“In Colombia, the country that has most strictly followed the prohibitionist model of the war against drugs, only in this millennium more than two million hectares have been fumigated with crops for illicit use; More than one million hectares have been manually eradicated, more than 70,000 infrastructures and laboratories have been detected and destroyed to produce cocaine and heroin; Almost six (6) thousand tons of cocaine destined for the main markets in North America and Europe have been seized. Even so, we see historic increases in cocaine flows, which leave my country plunged into violence,” said the official.

In the case of the new vice minister Taylor, who will replace Gil, she was also director of Marine, Coastal Affairs and Aquatic Resources of the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development; she has been a teacher, academic coordinator and consultant. From his roles, he has worked in coordination with different multilateral organizations within the international environmental agreements signed by Colombia.

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