Laura Bozzo cut a tiny lock of hair in support of women in Iran and criticizes her on networks: “How ridiculous”

The Peruvian presenter Laura Bozzo caused controversy by publishing a video in support of women in Iran who are protesting to demand the repeal of the law that forces them to wear veils.

These protests arose after the police detained Mahsa Amini for improperly wearing the veil in public. While in detention she was brutally beaten and died in hospital. This raised indignation and women took to the streets to demand their rights. The protests have been going on for several days and even many Iranian women have decided to stop wearing the veil in public, some burning it and others cutting their hair in protest.

World figures have expressed their support for the Iranians and have even recorded themselves cutting off part of their hair as a show of solidarity. This was done by the presenter Laura Bozzo who was recorded while cutting a small lock of hair.

“WOMEN. FREEDOM. LIFE. My solidarity with the men and women of Iran ”, she began by writing the former participant of ‘The House of the Famous 2’. She then gave a brief overview of what happened to Mahsa Amini and the situation in Iran.

“(…) The young woman died on September 16, after 3 days of being in a coma with obvious signs of having been tortured. Her death comes amid growing reports of repressive acts against women, including prohibiting them from entering government offices and banks to those who are considered not to comply with the Islamic dress code, “continued the presenter

Laura Bozzo also referred to the repression in Iran and the nearly one hundred people who have died in the midst of the protests. “Amini’s death has generated strong protests against the Iranian theocratic system in various cities of the country. Since then, at least 92 people have been killed in Iran in the crackdown on protests. His War is our War. Let’s raise our voices”, concluded Bozzo.

Laura Bozzo’s video received thousands of reactions. Some applauded the gesture, but others strongly criticized it.

“Aren’t you too old for that ridiculousness? You make this problem less serious”, “They are not going to help by cutting their hair… at least for women with cancer, a little hair would do them good, but this clowning does not help at all”, “Do you solve something with that stupidity?”, “Iran’s regime trembles”, “But cut your hair woman, not a tail”, were some of the comments left by followers on Instagram.

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