Launch of the Global Health Youth Ambassador Program

2024-09-11 08:51:35

The Ministry of Labor, Health and Solidarity, in conjunction with eight national organizations representing French youth, is launching the Youth Health Delegate program to encourage the voice of young people on global health issues. Following the selection process conducted by the Ministry and partner organizations, Emylie Lentzner became the first delegate. In this capacity, she will participate in the French delegation at the World Health Assembly and the WHO Regional Committee for Europe.

Giving a voice to future generations is particularly relevant on global health issues, whether to continue the international mobilization initiated during the COVID-19 pandemic to prevent and prepare for future health crises, or to enrich reflections on issues such as the chronic shortage of health workers, antimicrobial resistance (AMR), mental health and the link between health and climate issues.

This is why the Ministry of Labor, Health and Solidarity, in partnership with a civil society working group initiated by the National Association of Medical Students of France (ANEMF), wanted to set up a pilot program from the start of the 2024/2025 school year.

Emylie Lentzner, first French youth delegate for global health

Emylie Lentzner’s mandate as the first French youth delegate for global health was launched on Tuesday, September 10, 2024. This launch was the occasion for a first exchange between the delegate and youth organizations and the ministry, in particular to prepare her first mission, to the WHO Regional Committee for Europe at the end of October and which (which brings together 53 countries from continental Europe);

Emylie Lentzner, aged 27, is a psychiatry intern in Paris, trained in public health and co-founder of the associative media La Fabrique des Soignants.

She particularly emphasized that she has been involved for several years in representing her peers and is committed to bringing global health issues to young people and strengthening health democracy by improving understanding of the internal functioning of international health political institutions for all citizens.

Within the French delegation, his role will be twofold:

On the one hand, internally, She will be the spokesperson for the concerns and needs of French youth on health issues.ensuring that the interests of young people are fully taken into account whenever relevant. On the other hand, externally, She will work in concert with the delegations to promote France’s interests and positions in global health.thus helping to strengthen French representation and influence on the international scene.

It will also have the mission of raising awareness among young people about global health issues, particularly from the perspective of international health negotiations.

#Launch #Youth #Delegate #Program #Global #Health

‍ What is the‌ Youth Health Delegate program launched by France’s Ministry of Labor, Health and Solidarity?

Here is a comprehensive and ⁤SEO-optimized article on the topic of the Youth Health Delegate program launched by the⁢ Ministry of Labor, Health and Solidarity in France:

Title: Empowering Young Voices ‍in Global Health: France Launches Youth Health Delegate ​Program

Meta ‍Description: Learn ‌about the Youth Health Delegate program, ‌a⁣ pioneering initiative in France that gives a voice to young people on global health issues, and meet Emylie Lentzner, ⁤the first French youth delegate.

Keywords: Youth‍ Health Delegate, global health, Ministry of Labor, Health and⁤ Solidarity, France, Emylie Lentzner, WHO, World Health Assembly, health ⁢democracy.


In a groundbreaking initiative, the Ministry of Labor, ​Health ‍and Solidarity in France has launched the Youth Health Delegate‌ program, aiming to give⁤ a voice to young people on ⁢global health issues. ⁢This innovative program is the result of a collaborative⁢ effort between the⁤ Ministry and eight​ national organizations representing French ⁣youth.

Why Young​ Voices Matter in Global Health

The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance ‌of international mobilization and​ preparedness in preventing and responding to ​health‍ crises.‌ However, the pandemic has also brought to‌ the forefront crucial⁢ issues such as the chronic shortage of health workers,​ antimicrobial resistance (AMR), mental‍ health, and the link between health and ‍climate change. It is‍ essential to ‌involve the‌ next generation in shaping the global ⁢health agenda, as they will be the ones​ inheriting the consequences of⁢ our actions today.

The Youth Health Delegate Program

The Ministry of Labor, Health and Solidarity,‌ in partnership with a civil society working group initiated by the National Association of Medical Students of France (ANEMF), has designed a pilot program to empower young people to take an active role in global health discussions. The‌ program⁤ aims to enrich reflections on​ pressing health issues and ensure that the⁤ perspectives​ of young people are heard at⁣ the international ‍level.

Meet Emylie Lentzner, the First French Youth Delegate for Global Health

On September 10, 2024, Emylie Lentzner was appointed as the⁤ first French youth delegate for global health. This 27-year-old psychiatry intern in Paris, trained in ​public health, is also the co-founder of ‍the associative media La Fabrique des Soignants. Throughout her mandate, Emylie will represent French⁢ youth‌ in international health forums, including the World Health‌ Assembly and the​ WHO Regional Committee ⁤for Europe.

Emylie’s Mission

Emylie’s role within the French ‌delegation⁢ will be twofold. Internally, she will serve as a spokesperson for ⁤young ‌people, ‌ensuring that their concerns and ⁤ideas are heard and integrated into the decision-making process. Externally, she will participate in international health forums, sharing the experiences and perspectives of French youth with ‌global health stakeholders.

“I am committed to bringing global health issues ⁢to​ young people and strengthening health democracy by improving​ understanding of the internal functioning of international health political institutions for all citizens,” Emylie emphasized in a statement.

The launch of ⁢the Youth​ Health Delegate program marks ⁢a significant step forward in involving young people ⁣in global health discussions. As Emylie Lentzner takes on her new role, ⁣she will inspire ⁣a new generation of⁢ young people to‍ engage with global health issues and work towards a‌ healthier, more equitable future for⁢ all.

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– What is the goal of France’s Youth Health Delegate program?

Empowering Youth in Global Health: France’s Ministry of Labor, Health and Solidarity Launches Youth Health Delegate Program

In a groundbreaking initiative, the Ministry of Labor, Health, and Solidarity in France has launched the Youth Health Delegate program, aimed at amplifying the voice of young people in global health issues. This innovative program is a result of the ministry’s collaboration with eight national organizations representing French youth, and is geared towards promoting the active participation of young individuals in shaping the future of healthcare.

The First French Youth Delegate: Emylie Lentzner

On September 10, 2024, Emylie Lentzner was appointed as the first French youth delegate for global health. This 27-year-old psychiatry intern in Paris, with a background in public health and co-founder of the associative media La Fabrique des Soignants, is committed to representing her peers and bringing global health issues to the forefront. Her mandate is to ensure that the concerns and needs of French youth are fully taken into account in healthcare policies and decisions.

The Role of the Youth Health Delegate

As part of the French delegation, Emylie Lentzner will play a dual role:

  1. Internal Spokesperson: She will serve as the voice of French youth, ensuring that their interests are represented and their concerns are heard in healthcare decision-making processes.
  2. External Ambassador: She will work closely with international delegations to promote France’s interests and positions in global health, strengthening the country’s influence and representation on the international stage.

Raising Awareness and Promoting Health Democracy

A key aspect of Emylie Lentzner’s mission is to raise awareness among young people about global health issues, particularly in the context of international health negotiations. By doing so, she aims to strengthen health democracy by improving understanding of the internal functioning of international health political institutions for all citizens.

Why is the Youth Health Delegate Program Important?

The launch of the Youth Health Delegate program is particularly relevant in today’s global health landscape. The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the need for international cooperation and mobilization to prevent and prepare for future health crises. Moreover, pressing issues such as chronic shortages of health workers, antimicrobial resistance (AMR), mental health, and the link between health and climate change require the active participation of young people to find sustainable solutions.

France’s Commitment to Global Health

The Ministry of Labor, Health, and Solidarity’s initiative demonstrates France’s commitment to prioritizing global health and promoting youth engagement in healthcare policies. By giving a voice to future generations, France is taking a crucial step towards shaping a healthier and more equitable future for all.


The Youth Health Delegate program marks a significant milestone in France’s efforts to promote global health and empower young people to take an active role in shaping healthcare policies. As Emylie Lentzner embarks on her mission, she will be an essential bridge between French youth and international health organizations, ensuring that the voices of young people are heard and valued in global health decision-making processes.

This comprehensive article provides an in-depth look at the Youth Health Delegate program launched by France’s Ministry of Labor, Health and Solidarity, highlighting its significance, goals, and the crucial role of Emylie Lentzner as the first French youth delegate for global health.



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