Launch of the first edition of tourism project collection – Morocco Today

2024-08-06 11:21:31

The Atlas Tourism Regional Development Company has just announced the launch of the first phase of the call for tourism projects as part of the “Moukawala Siyahia”. This involves the selection of tourism projects in the Beni Mellal-Khenifra region. In this sense, the selected projects will benefit from equal support from the Moroccan Society of Tourism Engineering (SMIT) and the Regional Committee and financial subsidies up to 50% of the CAPEX (expenses invested).

Enrich the tourism resources of the Béni Mellal-Khénifra region, with a focus on tourist animation projects that showcase the region’s innovative characteristics. This is the goal of the first edition of the call for tourism projects launched as part of the “Moukawala Siyahia”. This support program for tourism SMEs is part of a partnership between the Ministry of Tourism and Finance and the Moroccan Society of Tourism Engineering (SMIT). Its aim is to strengthen tourist entertainment activities in order to increase tourist consumption and the attractiveness of tourist destinations in the Kingdom. “SMIT and the region have joined forces to implement this program at the level of Béni Mellal Khénifra (BMK) by mobilizing the necessary funds in equal amounts of 100 MDH and entrusting their deployment to a regional development company dedicated to the “SDR Tourism Atlas”. “explained the initiators of the program. And added: “Thus, in order to select at least 100 tourism projects with a very high added value for the BMK destination, SDR Atlas Tourismique is launching a Call for Projects (AAP), which will focus on tourism entertainment and leisure activities capable of enhancing the tourist experience of this destination, in line with the tourism sector retained within the framework of the new tourism roadmap. From this point of view, the program ensures technical support and expertise by covering the costs of studies, advice, technical assistance, training, and can reach 90% of the support costs, provided that, as the same source explains, this amount does not exceed 20% of the total investment. Similarly, the program provides investment support to increase profitability through investment bonuses, which can cover part of the investment amount, namely 10% for managed products, 30% for products/leisure and entertainment projects, and 50% for projects related to innovation and creativity. In addition, the program opens up new perspectives for networking, bank financing and the acquisition of skills and markets. The program is aimed at existing tourism enterprises (transformation courses) and future enterprises (creation part).

Ecosystem of attention and support
Adventure parks, leisure parks, educational farms, hot air balloons, water sports, catering… There are many types of tourism activities and ecosystems involved in subsidies and/or support. It covers seven major tourism sectors, including immersion and emotion, adventure tourism, food, time travel (games and escape rooms), tourism services, escape and tourist routes, and accommodation.
As for the support system, SDR Atlas Tourismique will sign an agreement with the beneficiaries. Once signed, SDR Atlas Tourismique will provide support, mainly including adapted in-depth diagnostics, technical assistance for projects, and face-to-face and e-learning training.
In terms of financing, according to the same source, the selected projects that have applied for financing will receive subsidies or investment dividends according to the terms set out in the subsidy agreement between SDR Atlas Tourismique and the beneficiary. “The agreement will clarify the commitments and responsibilities of the parties in the implementation of the project (financing methods, disbursement and management methods of grants, completion deadlines, monitoring and reporting…), explains the same source, adding that the amount of financing (between 10% and 50% of the investment) will be determined according to factors such as the type of company and the type of project.
Please also note that application documents must be submitted on the dedicated platform between September 1 and December 31, 2024. The project selection period is from October 2024 to March 2025. The support phase is from January to April 2025, followed by the phase of granting subsidies and investment dividends.

#Launch #edition #tourism #project #collection #Morocco #Today



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