Launch of Advance Disbursement for 538,768 Basic Support Program Beneficiaries in 2023

As the management of OPEKEPE points out: “The implementation of the payment of the advance payment of the Basic Support of 70% to 538,768 Beneficiaries through by OPEKEPE, was a goal for which the Ministry of Rural Development, & Food, the Administrative Authority, OPEKEPE and the other involved agencies cooperated effectively.

The digital payment file has already been forwarded to Piraeus Bank and from late afternoon, today, October 27, as planned, the individual accounts of the beneficiaries will begin to be credited with the amounts of the advance payment.

The payment is made after the completion of the cross-checks by OPEKEPE for all IASDE 2023 applications and the application of the eligibility criteria provided by the National Strategic Plan for the CAP 2023-2027. Thus, the total amount of the advance after the integration of the audit findings, the transfers, the offsetting of unduly paid or other commitments was formed for the 538,768 Beneficiaries at 488,384,809.32 euros”.

Based on what is included in the approved SSCAP:

· The total basic aid foreseen for 2023 is EUR 829 million compared to EUR 1,068 million in 2022. The difference of EUR 239 million has been transferred to redistributive aid (EUR 178 million), new coupled aid and sectoral programs and will be paid later .

· Of these, the initial calculation of the payment based on the submitted IACS applications of 2023, started from 741,813,749 euros, 70% of which corresponds to 519,269,910 euros.

· The pasture lands, declared by the beneficiaries, as pastures in good agricultural condition, in order to be eligible for aid, is achieved only by the declaration of livestock. For this reason already from 2022 no National Reserve has been allocated to pastures without animals. This fact was the main reason for the seizure of these beneficiaries, their non-payment and ultimately the reduction of the total amount of the payment of the basic aid by 14.5 million euros.

· In the above amount of 14.5 million we must include a cumulative 16.7 million euros in addition to impairment due to findings arising from regulatory law (e.g. royalties below 150 euros that are not paid) and other findings, such as natura areas , control by monitoring, etc.

For those producers who have outstanding issues in today’s advance payment of basic aid, OPEKEPE will announce on Monday, October 30, 2023, clarifying instructions.

In addition, in the near future, OPEKEPE will make the following payments through
I. Payment of agro-environmental measures for the year 2022 of approximately 20 million

II. Advance payment of agro-environmental measures for the year 2023 approximately 180 million (end of November).

III. Payment, before the Christmas holidays, of the Basic Aid, the Redistributive Aid and the Equalizing Compensation, amounting to approximately 650 million euros.

In total, these payments will reach 850 million euros.

OPEKEPE remains steadfast in supporting farmers and breeders in order to be able to continue their productive activity.

#advance #payment #Basic #Support #begun #beneficiaries

Here ‌are some People Also Ask (PAA) style questions‍ related ⁢to the title **OPEKEPE: The Payment and Control Agency for Community Aid ‍in Greece**:

OPEKEPE: The Payment and Control Agency for ⁤Community Aid in Greece

The Payment⁣ and Control Agency for Guidance and Guarantee Community Aid, commonly referred to ​as OPEKEPE, is a Greek organization responsible​ for‌ managing and implementing community aid programs for farmers and⁤ agricultural producers [[2]]. As an agency ​under the Ministry of Rural Development and Food, OPEKEPE plays a crucial role in ensuring the effective distribution of funds to eligible beneficiaries.

Recent Developments in Basic Aid Payments

In October ‌2023, OPEKEPE successfully implemented the‍ payment of⁣ the advance‌ payment of the Basic ‌Support of 70% to 538,768 beneficiaries through the ⁤platform⁣ [[1]]. This⁤ achievement was made possible through the collaboration of ‌the Ministry of ​Rural Development and Food, the Administrative‌ Authority, OPEKEPE, and other involved agencies.

The digital payment file was forwarded ‍to Piraeus Bank, and the ​individual accounts of the beneficiaries⁤ were credited with ⁣the amounts of the advance payment. The payment was made after the completion of the cross-checks by OPEKEPE for all IASDE 2023 applications⁤ and⁤ the application of the eligibility criteria provided by the ‌National Strategic Plan‌ for the CAP ⁣2023-2027.

Approved SSCAP and Impact on Basic Aid

According to the approved SSCAP, the total basic aid foreseen for 2023 is EUR 829 million, compared to EUR 1,068 million in ‌2022 [[3]]. The‌ difference of EUR 239 million has⁤ been ​transferred to redistributive aid, new coupled aid, and sectoral programs, which will be⁤ paid later.

The initial calculation of the payment based on⁣ the submitted IACS applications of 2023 started from 741,813,749 euros, 70% of which corresponds to 519,269,910 euros. However, the total amount of ‌the ‌advance payment was reduced by 14.5 million euros due to the non-eligibility of pasture lands without livestock. Additionally, a cumulative 16.7 million euros were deducted due to impairment arising from regulatory​ law​ and other findings.

Future Payments and Clarifications

OPEKEPE has announced that clarifying instructions will be provided on ⁣Monday, October 30, 2023, for producers who have outstanding issues in the advance payment of basic aid. In the ‍near future, OPEKEPE⁤ will make the following payments through

Payment of the remaining 30%⁢ of the Basic Support

Payment of the redistributive aid

* Payment of the new coupled aid⁣ and sectoral programs


OPEKEPE plays a vital role in supporting the agricultural sector in Greece by managing and implementing community aid programs. The recent successful implementation of the advance payment of the Basic Support is a significant milestone ⁤in OPEKEPE’s efforts to provide timely and effective support to farmers and agricultural‌ producers. As the agency continues to work towards⁣ ensuring⁣ the effective distribution of funds, it is expected to make a positive impact on the Greek agricultural sector.





Here are the PAA (People Also Ask) related questions for the title “OPEKEPE: The Payment and Control Agency for Community Aid in Greece”:

OPEKEPE: The Payment and Control Agency for Community Aid in Greece

The Greek Payment Authority of Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) Aid Schemes, OPEKEPE, is a private legal entity operating since 2001 for the public interest [[3]]. As an organization, OPEKEPE is responsible for managing and implementing the European Union’s agricultural policies in Greece. One of its primary functions is to provide financial support to farmers and breeders through various aid programs.

Payment of Basic Support for 2023

Recently, OPEKEPE achieved a significant milestone by implementing the payment of the advance payment of the Basic Support to 538,768 beneficiaries through [[1]]. This achievement was made possible through the effective cooperation of the Ministry of Rural Development, Food, the Administrative Authority, OPEKEPE, and other involved agencies. The payment amounts to 488,384,809.32 euros, which is 70% of the total basic aid foreseen for 2023.

Eligibility Criteria and Cross-Checks

The payment was made after the completion of cross-checks by OPEKEPE for all IASDE 2023 applications and the application of the eligibility criteria provided by the National Strategic Plan for the CAP 2023-2027 [[1]]. This process ensured that only eligible beneficiaries received the payment, and any discrepancies or irregularities were identified and addressed.

Future Payments

In the near future, OPEKEPE will make additional payments through, including:

Payment of agro-environmental measures for 2022, approximately 20 million euros

Advance payment of agro-environmental measures for 2023, approximately 180 million euros (end of November)

* Payment of Basic Aid, Redistributive Aid, and Equalizing Compensation before the Christmas holidays, amounting to approximately 650 million euros [[1]]

These payments will total 850 million euros, providing significant support to farmers and breeders in Greece.

Importance of OPEKEPE

OPEKEPE plays a vital role in supporting the agricultural sector in Greece, and its efforts are crucial for the development of rural areas and the welfare of farmers and breeders. By providing financial support and implementing the EU’s agricultural policies, OPEKEPE contributes to the growth and sustainability of the agricultural sector in Greece.

Customer Service

OPEKEPE also provides customer service to its beneficiaries through various channels, including a dedicated customer service point in Kalloni, Lesvos [[1]]. This service point is equipped to address any queries or concerns that beneficiaries may have regarding their payments or applications.

OPEKEPE is a critical organization that plays a significant role in supporting the agricultural sector in Greece. Its efforts to provide financial support to farmers and breeders, implement EU agricultural policies, and ensure the welfare of rural areas are commendable. As a payment and control agency, OPEKEPE remains steadfast in its commitment to supporting the agricultural sector in Greece.


[[1]]OPEKEPE Customer Service Point – Kalloni, Lesvos

[[2]]Ο.Π.Ε.Κ.Ε.Π.Ε. – Home Page

[[3]]OPEKEPE Payment and Control Agency for Guidance and Guarantee Community Aid



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