Latino Voter Registration Surges After Harris Launches Presidential Campaign

Los Angeles, Sep 17 (EFE).- A record number of eligible Latinos have registered to vote following the arrival of Vice President Kamala Harris in the race for the White House, especially young voters and women, in states considered key to winning the November election, which could tip the balance in favor of the Democratic candidate.

The Voto Latino organization announced at a press conference on Tuesday that it has surpassed its voter registration goal in five key states: Florida, Texas, Georgia, Arizona and North Carolina, by registering 112,035 Latino voters so far this year.

Maria Teresa Kumar, director of Voto Latino, said her organization’s voter registration increased by 200% and attributed the unprecedented increase to Harris’s arrival in the race for the presidency in the United States.

“All of this enthusiasm started to build up and accumulate around July 21, when President Joe Biden decided to step aside and nominate and endorse Vice President Kamala Harris,” the activist added.

Of the total (112,035) registered by the organization this year, 67,092 voters registered after July 21, an unprecedented figure in the 20 years in which the organization has promoted voter participation.

Kumar also highlighted the increase achieved compared to previous elections. For the 2016 election, the Voto Latino campaign in favor of Hillary Clinton managed to register 2,252 Hispanic voters in July of that year.

In the same month, but in 2020, 25,156 Latino voters were registered in favor of President Joe Biden, almost half of the 50,111 who registered between July 21 and July 31 of this year, supported by Harris.

Even the mood of voters since Harris took office has surpassed that awakened by the candidacy of former President Barack Obama (2009-2017).

Ameer Patel, a researcher at Voto Latino, said that since the vice president entered the presidential race, there has been a “disproportionate number” of young voters, especially young Latinas, who have registered to vote.

Of the 67,092 voters who registered after July 21, 55% were between 18 and 29 years old and 86% were between 18 and 39 years old. Of the total, 69.7% were women.

The enthusiasm of new voters is not only motivated by the fight for women’s reproductive rights. In fact, the first issue that concerns the women voters surveyed by Voto Latino is the economy, better salaries and rent control.

The second most important issue is abortion rights, followed by gun control and security in educational institutions.

In that sense, Kumar highlighted the campaigns carried out by women in southern Texas in favor of Harris and her candidate, Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, with a call to attention regarding school shootings, something that was not seen in 2020.

File photo of signs directing voters for Georgia’s presidential primary elections. EFE/EPA/ALEX SLITZ

Harris injects enthusiasm into the Latino vote

It is precisely in Texas where the most new voters have registered Voto Latino after Harris’ arrival with 17,000 registered voters, followed by Florida with 13,600, Georgia (11,500), North Carolina (7,500) and Arizona (4,500).

Kumar stressed the importance of these votes, especially in states where President Joe Biden won by just over 10,000 votes, such as Georgia and Arizona.

“Harris has been stealing votes from Trump in North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Arizona and Nevada, key states in this battleground,” the activist noted.

He added that the vice president is not only attractive to independent voters but also to Republicans, a clear disadvantage for former President Donald Trump.

More than 36 million eligible Latinos will be able to vote this year. But of those, only 26 million are registered to vote, and only 16 million voted in the last presidential election.

Activists’ efforts have focused on encouraging the 20 million Latinos who could vote but do not.

Kumar insisted that there is an incredible opportunity to strengthen the political voice of the Hispanic community, which, although not monolithic, has largely opted for the Democrats.

The message was delivered just in time for National Voter Registration Day.


#Record #Latino #voter #registration #Harris #enters #presidential #race
2024-09-19 07:31:26

-​ How has Kamala ​Harris’s presidential bid impacted Latino voter ‍registration in key states?⁢

Historic Surge in Latino⁤ Voter Registration Following Kamala Harris’s Presidential Bid

A record number of ‍eligible ⁢Latinos have registered to vote in key states​ following​ the ‌arrival of Vice President Kamala Harris in ‌the‌ presidential race, according to a press conference held by Voto Latino. This unprecedented increase in voter registration ⁤is⁤ attributed to the enthusiasm generated by Harris’s candidacy, particularly among young ‍voters and women.

Unprecedented Voter ‌Registration Numbers

Voto ‍Latino has surpassed its voter‌ registration goal ‌in five crucial states: Florida, Texas, Georgia, Arizona, and ⁣North Carolina,​ registering 112,035 Latino voters so far⁤ this year.⁢ This represents a ​200% increase compared to previous elections. Notably, 67,092 voters registered after July ⁣21, when President Joe Biden⁢ endorsed⁣ Harris as⁢ his running mate. This figure is significantly higher than the 2,252 Hispanic voters registered in ⁣July 2016⁢ during the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign.

Youth and Women Lead the Charge

The demographic breakdown of the newly registered voters reveals a disproportionate number of⁣ young voters, particularly young Latinas. Of the 67,092⁤ voters⁢ who registered after July 21,⁢ 55% were between 18 and 29 years old, and 86% were between 18 and 39 years old. Furthermore, 69.7% of the ⁢registered​ voters ⁣were women.

Economic Concerns Top Latino Voters’ Priorities

While the fight for women’s reproductive rights is an important issue, it’s not the top​ concern for Latino voters. According to⁢ a survey by Voto⁢ Latino, the economy, better salaries, and rent control ‍are the primary issues that worry women voters. Abortion rights, gun control, and security in educational‍ institutions ⁣follow closely behind.

Key States and Battlegrounds

The states with the highest ⁤number of ⁤new voter registrations are Texas, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, and Arizona. These‌ states are critical to winning the November election, and Harris’s appeal is expected⁢ to ‌tip the balance⁣ in favor ‌of the Democratic candidate.

Harris’s ‌Broad ​Appeal

Voto Latino’s director, ⁤Maria Teresa​ Kumar, highlighted Harris’s broad​ appeal, stating ‍that she is not only⁢ attractive to independent voters but also to​ Republicans, a⁢ clear disadvantage for former President Donald Trump.

The Potential Impact of Latino Voters

With over 36 million eligible Latinos able to vote ‍this year, the⁢ potential impact of‌ this demographic on the‍ election outcome cannot be overstated. However, only ⁢26‍ million are ⁤currently ⁣registered to vote, and only ‌16‌ million actually cast their ballots. The​ surge in voter registration following Harris’s presidential bid is a promising sign for the Democratic ​Party and ⁣a testament to the growing influence of Latino voters​ in ‍American politics.


Support of Kamala Harris and other progressive candidates, showcasing the grassroots efforts and community organizing that have significantly contributed to the historic surge in voter registration among Latinos.

Historic Surge in Latino Voter Registration Following Kamala Harris’ Entry into Presidential Race

Los Angeles, Sep 17 – In a significant development, a record number of eligible Latinos have registered to vote, particularly young voters and women, in key states crucial to winning the November election. This surge in voter registration is largely attributed to Vice President Kamala Harris’ entry into the presidential race.

Voto Latino Exceeds Voter Registration Goal in 5 Key States

Voto Latino, a prominent organization promoting voter participation, announced that it has surpassed its voter registration goal in five critical states: Florida, Texas, Georgia, Arizona, and North Carolina. As of now, the organization has registered an impressive 112,035 Latino voters this year.

Maria Teresa Kumar: Kamala Harris’ Entry Sparked Enthusiasm

Maria Teresa Kumar, director of Voto Latino, attributed the unprecedented increase in voter registration to Harris’ entry into the race. “All of this enthusiasm started to build up and accumulate around July 21, when President Joe Biden decided to step aside and nominate and endorse Vice President Kamala Harris,” Kumar stated.

Unprecedented Registration Numbers

Of the total registered voters this year, 67,092 registered after July 21, a staggering figure in the 20 years of Voto Latino’s existence. In contrast, the organization’s campaign in favor of Hillary Clinton in 2016 managed to register only 2,252 Hispanic voters in July of that year. Moreover, even the mood of voters since Harris took office has surpassed that awakened by the candidacy of former President Barack Obama (2009-2017).

Young Latino Voters Lead the Charge

Ameer Patel, a researcher at Voto Latino, pointed out that since Harris entered the presidential race, there has been a “disproportionate number” of young voters, especially young Latinas, who have registered to vote. Of the 67,092 voters who registered after July 21, 55% were between 18 and 29 years old, and 86% were between 18 and 39 years old. A remarkable 69.7% of the registered voters were women.

Economic Concerns Top Latino Voters’ Agenda

The enthusiasm of new voters is not only driven by the fight for women’s reproductive rights. In fact, the top concern for women voters surveyed by Voto Latino is the economy, followed by better salaries and rent control. Abortion rights, gun control, and security in educational institutions are also key issues that resonate with Latino voters.

Southern Texas Women Campaigning for Harris and Walz

Kumar highlighted the campaigns carried out by women in southern Texas in



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