Latin American Nations Unite Against Venezuelan Arrest Warrant for Edmundo González

Caracas.-A total of eight Latin American countries have condemned this Monday the arrest warrant issued by the Venezuelan dictatorship against the former opposition candidate of Venezuela Edmundo González, who declared himself the winner of the presidential elections held at the end of July and in which the National Electoral Council (CNE) gave the victory to the country’s dictator, Nicolás Maduro, results that have been questioned internationally.

“Argentina, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Paraguay, Peru, the Dominican Republic and Uruguay unequivocally and absolutely reject the arrest warrant issued by the Judge of the First Special Court of the Supreme Court of Justice of Venezuela against Mr. Edmundo González, opposition presidential candidate in the last electoral process of July 28, 2024,” these seven countries indicated in a joint statement.

They have thus highlighted that “the arrest warrant cites several alleged crimes that are nothing more than another attempt to silence Mr. González, to ignore the will of the Venezuelan people, and constitutes political persecution.”

“In a country where there is no separation of powers or minimum judicial guarantees and where arbitrary arrests abound, we condemn these dictatorial practices and our efforts will be firm and continuous to demand that the Venezuelan authorities guarantee the life, integrity and freedom of Edmundo González Urrutia,” they said.

Shortly before, the Argentine Ministry of Foreign Affairs had condemned the arrest warrant issued “by the Public Prosecutor’s Office of the Maduro dictatorship” against “the winner of the presidential elections of July 28,” and warned the international community “about a wave of radicalization of the regime that seeks to criminalize the Venezuelan democratic forces.”

In this regard, he denounced the “massive violations” of human rights following the “gross electoral fraud” and promised not to remain “indifferent” to “the infamous actions of the Maduro dictatorship,” and will continue to support the Venezuelan population “in its battle to recover democracy.”

The Chilean Ministry of Foreign Affairs has joined in condemning the arrest warrant issued against González, “strongly” rejecting this order from the Venezuelan Prosecutor’s Office and reiterating its condemnation of “any form of repression” against opponents. “The Chilean Government calls for respect for democratic principles, as well as for the Human Rights and fundamental freedoms of all Venezuelans,” it said.

Hours before the arrest warrant was announced, Colombian President Gustavo Petro had called the governments of Brazil and Mexico to an emergency virtual meeting to discuss the latest developments in Venezuela.

While the Colombian president will attend the meeting, it is still unknown whether his Brazilian counterpart, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, and his Mexican counterpart, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, will do the same.

The three countries have different positions regarding the crisis unleashed in the Latin American country after the presidential elections. While Obrador has supported Maduro, Lula and Petro have avoided accepting the victory of either party.

A Venezuelan court on Monday issued an arrest warrant for González Urrutia after accepting the request of the Public Prosecutor’s Office against the opposition leader, who is accused of the alleged crimes of “usurpation of functions,” “forgery of public documents,” “instigation to disobedience of laws,” “conspiracy,” “sabotage to damage systems” and “association.”Infobae.

#Latin #American #countries #condemned #arrest #warrant #issued #Chavista #justice #system #Edmundo #González #Venezuela
2024-09-06 15:20:09
Latin‌ American Countries Unite⁤ Against Venezuela’s Dictatorship: Condemning the Arrest Warrant Against Edmundo González

[Image: Venezuela, a country in crisis]

In a strong show ​of solidarity, eight Latin American countries have condemned the arrest warrant issued by ⁤the Venezuelan dictatorship against Edmundo González, the former opposition candidate who declared himself the winner of the presidential elections held at the end of July. This move marks a significant escalation in the regional response⁣ to‍ the crisis ⁣in ⁢Venezuela, where democratic ⁤principles and human ⁣rights are under siege.

The​ Joint Statement: A United Stand Against ⁢Dictatorship

Argentina, ⁢Costa Rica, ⁣Guatemala, Paraguay, Peru, the Dominican Republic, and Uruguay released a joint statement unequivocally rejecting the arrest warrant, which they‍ characterized as political​ persecution. The statement emphasized that the warrant cites several alleged⁤ crimes that are nothing more than an attempt to silence González and ignore the will of the Venezuelan people.

A Pattern of Abuse and‍ Repression

The⁣ countries condemned the dictatorial practices of the Venezuelan regime, which has a history of arbitrary arrests, ​human rights violations, and disregard for​ democratic ‍principles. The joint ‍statement emphasized that the international​ community must stand firm in demanding that the Venezuelan authorities guarantee the life, integrity, and freedom of Edmundo González Urrutia.

Individual Country Responses

In addition to the joint ‍statement, individual countries have⁤ issued ​their own condemnations of the⁤ arrest warrant. Argentina’s Ministry of ‌Foreign Affairs warned the international community about a wave of radicalization of‍ the regime, ‍which seeks to criminalize Venezuelan democratic forces. Chile’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs strongly rejected the arrest warrant, reiterating its condemnation of any form of repression against opponents.

Regional Leaders Unite: An Emergency Meeting

In response to the crisis, Colombian ​President Gustavo Petro called an emergency virtual meeting with the governments of ⁢Brazil and Mexico to discuss the latest developments in Venezuela. While it remains unclear whether the Brazilian and ⁢Mexican presidents will attend, the move marks a significant effort to coordinate a regional response to ‌the crisis.

A Complex Regional Landscape

The ‍crisis ‌in Venezuela has exposed deep divisions ‍within the region. While some countries, like Colombia, Chile, and Argentina, have ⁢taken a strong stance against the Maduro regime, others, like Mexico and Brazil, have been​ more ambivalent. The regional response will depend on the ability of countries to put aside their differences and⁣ unite in defense of democratic principles and human rights.

The Future of Venezuela Hangs in ‌the Balance

As the crisis in Venezuela continues to unfold, the regional response ⁢will be critical in determining⁤ the country’s future. The condemnation of the arrest warrant against Edmundo González marks a significant step ​forward in the defense of democracy and​ human​ rights. However, more needs to be done to support the Venezuelan people in their struggle⁣ for freedom and dignity.

SEO Keywords:


Edmundo González

Nicolás Maduro


Latin American countries

Human rights


Regional response


International community

‌ Political persecution

Arrest warrant

Optimized meta description:

“Eight Latin American countries condemn⁤ the ​arrest warrant against Edmundo González, former opposition candidate in Venezuela’s presidential elections. Read about the regional response to the crisis and the fight for democracy and human rights in the country.”



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