Latest Updates on EU Sanctions: Confusion and Challenges for Russian Tourists Entering and Exiting the EU

2023-09-11 20:47:20


The main news of the weekend was clarification from the European Commission regarding the possibility of Russians importing cars, smartphones, computers and other sanctioned categories.

It is very unpleasant for Russian citizens. On the one hand, the European Commission clarified that the requirements of the anti-Russian embargo (Article 3i of Regulation 833/2014) clearly apply to personal belongings of Russian origin and do not depend on the import regime (release for free circulation or temporary import). On the other hand, it leaves a gap: in accordance with EU principles, the implementation of the ban is left to the discretion of member countries. The list of prohibited customs codes is located Here (in Appendix XXI). It consists of more than 150 items and, in addition to raw materials and industrial equipment, includes cars, bags and suitcases, women’s clothing, computers, cell phones, toothpaste and other goods. During the day, the EC representative separately confirmedthat cars are prohibited. But at the entrance to the EU, personal belongings of Russian tourists, including clothes, may not be confiscated.

The EU did not impose any additional sanctions, and the clarification does not have direct legal force (the EC also separately pointed this out). The need for it arose due to cases car seizures with Russian license plates entering Germany since the beginning of this summer. In July, one of the first Russians managed to return his car in court, but in early September there were reports of new car confiscations.

Disagreement was caused by the wording “import” (Einfuhr) in the German version of the said regulation, which includes a ban not only on imports, but also on temporary imports. In the explanation of the customs authorities of Germany it was saidthat both are indeed prohibited, but now this interpretation has been confirmed at the EU level.

There have been no mass cases of confiscation of personal belongings upon entry into the EU, except for cars (specifically those imported to Germany through Hamburg). But when exporting, there are problems with expensive items purchased in the EU, when you try to issue a tax free refund for them, wrote АТОР.

Acting Head of the Federal Customs Service Ruslan Davydov named the EC’s explanation is “complete chaos.” “The stupidity of the Europeans and, in general, complete chaos, what they are doing,” commented Davydov. – You see, these are goods for personal use. They decided to ban trade. Therefore, from the point of view of normal customs logic, their decisions are absolutely illegal.”

Dmitry Peskov said, that Russia will not apply symmetrical measures, “since we are talking regarding a decision of the European Union that is completely extraordinary from the point of view of common sense.” And Dmitry Medvedev saw in the explanation “a concrete spit in the face of every citizen of Russia” and suggested “simply suspending diplomatic relations with the EU for a while.”

Over the weekend and Monday, there were no credible reports regarding the seizure of personal property from Russian tourists at the entrance to EU countries – on the contrary, on specialized forums writethat there are no changes.

Russian Embassy in Finland recommended do not travel to this country with Russian license plates – the ban “most likely” applies specifically to cars with Russian registration and license plates, the EC document says.

As for other personal effects, real changes in customs practices remain to be assessed. Apart from whether the clarification is a manifestation of the EC’s political will and with what degree of enthusiasm specific countries will act, the main question is whether the sanctioned “luxury threshold” of 300 euros will apply to the import of personal belongings into the EU. But in any case, all seizures should documentto have prospects in court.

#European #Commission #confirmed #ban #entry #Russian #cars



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