Latest Updates on Coronavirus Infections, Wastewater Monitoring, and Effective Medications: Stay Informed with In-Depth Analysis

2023-09-26 02:37:22

by Clemens Haug

As of September 25, 2023, 11:03 a.m

The Robert Koch Institute is only reporting a slight increase in corona numbers, and there are signs that the current wave is coming to an end. A new study also confirms the effectiveness of molnupiravir and paxlovid.

The number of newly confirmed Covid-19 infections rose slightly again to around 7,800 cases in the week up to September 17th. But the dynamics of new infections are apparently weakening noticeably. The Robert Koch Institute reports this in its current weekly report for respiratory infections. The number of reported cases only represents a small excerpt of the actual infection rate, as corona testing is only carried out systematically in hospitals and in the RKI random sampling system.

Wastewater monitoring: Viral loads are now rising more slowly than in the previous week

In addition, around 50 sewage treatment plants in Germany monitor incoming wastewater for traces of coronaviruses. This review also shows signs of a weakening of new infections. In the 37th calendar week, only 40 percent of the locations reported increasing viral loads. The week before it was 60 percent. However, many participating systems have not yet reported any values, which is why the data available here is still very incomplete.

Corona variant Eris (EG.5) dominates in Germany

Further re-determination of individual virus samples has now shown that the Eris variant (EG.5), with almost 32 percent, is the dominant virus line in the current infection process in Germany. The heavily mutated variant Priola (BA.2.86), however, was only detected once in this country. The RKI report also states for other countries, with a view to WHO data: “The variant has been detected worldwide in the last few weeks, but still only in isolated cases.”

Study examines corona drugs in around 69,000 patients in the USA

A new study with patients from the USA also shows that the two antiviral active ingredients molnupiravir and nirmatrelvir (part of the drug Paxlovid) can significantly reduce the number of fatal cases, even with current subtypes of omicron. In the journal JAMA Network Open, Dan-Yu Lin and colleagues from the University of North Carolina report on the evaluation of the disease progression of around 69,000 people who were treated for Covid-19 at the Cleveland Clinic between June 2022 and February 2023 and were at high risk for it had serious illnesses.

Molnupiravir and Nirmatrelvir: Risk of severe and fatal courses reduced

Around 41,000 patients had not received either active ingredient; 1.4 percent of those affected died. 5,300 people were treated with molnupiravir. Only 27 people died here, which corresponds to a proportion of 0.5 percent. Among the 22,500 people who received the paxlovid component nirmatrelvir, only 30 patients died, a proportion of 0.13 percent. Both drugs were able to significantly reduce the risk of dying from Covid-19. The risk of having to be treated in hospital also fell significantly.


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This topic in the program:MDR CURRENT | September 22, 0023 | 11:36 a.m

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#Slight #increase #Corona #RKI #Dynamics #weakening

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