Latest Updates on Bombings in Belgorod – Governor Urges Temporary Evacuations to Save Lives

2023-06-04 11:29:00

“I ask that the inhabitants of the localities which are bombed, in particular those of the district of Chebekino, follow the indications of the authorities and temporarily leave their residences”, indicated the governor Viatcheslav Gladkov.

According to him, these evacuations must make it possible to “save lives”. He adds that shelling once more hit Chebekino and Volokonovski districts during the night, causing “a lot of damage” but no casualties.

Hundreds of shots in the region on Friday and Saturday left at least seven dead and around 30 injured, according to regional authorities.

On Sunday, the governor said more than 4,000 people who fled the bombings were temporarily housed in reception centers in the region.

The conflict with Ukraine, which the Kremlin has long minimized, now fully affects certain Russian border regions, in particular that of Belgorod, hit by bombings and even armed incursions.

The Russian army said on Thursday that it had repelled a Ukrainian attempt to “invade” the Belgorod region, a week following a spectacular incursion by armed men which caused shock and showed the vulnerability of Russian borders.

These incursions were claimed by groups claiming to be Russian and fighting for kyiv. Ukrainian authorities deny any involvement.

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