Latest Tremors in Mexico: Updates, Epicenters and Magnitudes

2023-04-25 01:09:45

Check the latest reports here, to find out what time and where the last tremor registered in Mexico was today, Monday April 24, according to the National Seismological Service.

Find out what time, what magnitude and where was the epicenter of the last tremor recorded in Mexico. According to information from we tell you the latest reports today, Monday April 24 in different regions of the country.

To this is added the presence of Mexico in the so-called “Pacific Ring of Fire”, which concentrates part of the most important subduction zones in the world, which generates intense seismic and volcanic activity. This zone also includes Argentina, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala, Chile, the United States, Canada, Russia, Japan, Taiwan, the Philippines, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea and New Zealand.


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