2023-12-18 06:49:00

Eduardo Sobreviela

Madrid, Dec 18 (EFE).- Four autonomous communities, Castilla y León, Catalonia, Extremadura and Navarra, with governments from different parties, will approve their budgets for 2024 when the year has already begun, while the remaining 13 will do so between the days December 19 and 29 to have them in force on January 1.

According to the information collected from the different regional governments by the EFE delegations in Spain, Galicia plans to approve its accounts on the 19th; Canary Islands, Castilla-La Mancha and the Valencian Community on the 20th; Balearic Islands, if there is finally an agreement PP-Vox, and Cantabria on the 21st; Andalusia, Aragon, Madrid and the Basque Country on the 22nd; in La Rioja it is estimated that 27; in Murcia it will be the 28th and in Asturias the goal is to do it on December 29th.

In Castilla y León, the regional government chose to delay the processing of its accounts because data such as payments on account and the deficit target were missing. Once known, you will be able to prepare budgets that are “closer to reality”, although without time to avoid the extension.

Catalonia will not be able to approve the accounts for 2024 before the end of the year because the regional executive has not yet given the green light to the bill nor is there a calendar for its processing in Parliament.

The ERC Government maintains contacts especially with PSC and the commons, but the talks were delayed by the negotiations for the investiture of Pedro Sánchez, so that the Minister of Economy herself, Natàlia Mas, assumed a few days ago that Catalonia would start 2024 with budget extension.

In any case, at the beginning of November the Catalan government approved a non-financial spending ceiling for 2024 of 36,684 million euros, 9.6% more than this year.

Extremadura will debate its new budgets on February 1 and 2, 2024. The project, which is expected to go ahead with the votes of the PP and Vox, will reach 8,127 million euros, 4.4% more.

In Navarra there is no date for the debate in Parliament of a project that is still being prepared and that the Government of the socialist María Chivite needs to reach a consensus with other parties.

In principle, EH Bildu has already announced its intention to negotiate, which seems to announce a repetition of what has happened in recent years.

In the Balearic Islands, the budget debate is scheduled between December 19 and 21, but – until last Friday at least – Vox maintains its abstention, which would make the PP’s votes insufficient, and continues to demand to be treated “as a real partner “to have their claims taken into account.

The project would represent an increase of 2.6% to 7,320.7 million euros.

The community that first plans to vote on its new accounts, and approve them given the absolute majority of the PP, is Galicia, on Tuesday the 19th. The budget will amount to 13,257 million in non-financial spending, the highest in its history with an increase of 5%.

Also with an absolute majority, in this case of Emiliano García-Page’s PSOE, Castilla-La Mancha will approve its accounts on the 20th. They will amount to 12,473 million euros, just 0.3% more than in 2023.

The Parliament of the Canary Islands, where the coalition government of nationalist Fernando Clavijo has a majority to approve it, plans to debate the budget on the 19th and 20th. It will be 11,301 million euros, 3.3% above the actual expenditure of 2023.

Les Corts Valencianes will approve the new Budgets of the Generalitat foreseeably on Wednesday the 20th, without difficulties given the absolute majority of the PP and Vox. They will reach 29,732 million euros, 4.5% more.

Cantabria’s budget for 2024 will be approved on December 21 thanks to the PP-PRC agreement. It will grow by 3.54% to 3,542 million euros and will include an increase in executive remuneration of 6.9%.

The accounts of Andalusia for 2024, which will be approved on December 22 with the absolute majority of the PP, will amount to 46,753 million euros and will grow by 2.5%.

The Cortes of Aragón will approve the budgets on the 22nd with the absolute majority of PP, Vox and PAR. They will amount to 8,546 million euros, the highest in history, with an increase of 3.6%.

On the day of the Christmas lottery, the Madrid budget will also be approved, which the PP will win with its absolute majority. It will grow by 19.6%, compared to the extension with which Isabel Díaz Ayuso has governed this year, up to 27,558 million euros.

In Euskadi, the parties that support the Government -PNV and PSE-EE- will also approve the budgets on the 22nd, so that Iñigo Urkullu can start his last year with 15,025.4 million, 5.4% more than this year.

In La Rioja, although the full budget has not been set, it is estimated that it will be on December 27. The absolute majority of the PP will approve an amount of 1,947.38 million euros, 6.73% more.

The Murcian budgets will be approved on December 28 with the vote in favor of the PP and Vox, which have set their amount at the record figure of 6,526 million euros, 9.8% more.

Finally, in Asturias the forecast is that the more than 6,348 million allocated for 2024, 6.4% more, will be approved on December 29 with the support of the Principality’s executive from the only Podemos deputy and, perhaps, the parliamentarian from Forum.

In the case of Ceuta, it is expected to approve before the end of the year accounts that will decrease by 0.8% to 373.9 million euros. EFE


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