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The Venezuelan Social Security Institute (IVSS) announced that on Wednesday, August 21, it will process the pension payment for September 2024.

“The Venezuelan Social Security Institute informs the country’s pensioners that on August 21, 2024, the amount for the month of September will be deposited,” stated the message published on its social media platforms.

It is important to mention that the deposit amount will be 130 bolivars, which is based on the current minimum wage. This equals approximately 3.54 dollars at the official exchange rate of the Central Bank of Venezuela.

How can I verify if the payment has been credited to my account?

The agency encouraged Venezuelan pensioners to use electronic banking to check their accounts and confirm that their pension amount has been deposited.

To do this, the pensioner must log in using their username and password to their electronic account at the bank responsible for the payment.

In July, the IVSS reported that over 20,000 new pensioners had been added to the system, “thanks” to the policies of Nicolás Maduro and Magaly Gutiérrez, the institute’s president.

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The Venezuelan Social Security Institute (IVSS) has announced that the pension payment for September 2024 will occur on August 21. This communication, shared via the IVSS social media channels, provides crucial details for Venezuelan pensioners relying on timely deposits for their sustenance.

According to IVSS’s statement, the deposit amount for September will be 130 bolivars, which is equivalent to approximately 3.54 dollars at the current official exchange rate set by the Central Bank of Venezuela. This amount is particularly critical as it aligns with the country’s minimum wage, illustrating the financial constraints many pensioners face.

How do I know if the account has been credited?

Venezuelan pensioners are encouraged to utilize electronic banking services to verify the status of their pension payments. Here’s a quick guide on how to check your account:

  • Access your bank’s website or app: Make sure to log in using the correct platform designated for pension payments.
  • Enter your account credentials: Input your username and password as issued by your bank.
  • Check for deposit notifications: Look for any updates or notifications regarding the pension deposit for the corresponding month.

Recent Developments in the Pension System

In July 2024, the IVSS revealed that over 20,000 new pensioners had been incorporated into the system. This surge in new participants is attributed to governmental policies implemented under Nicolás Maduro’s regime and the leadership of IVSS president Magaly Gutiérrez. This expansion indicates efforts to provide support amid economic turbulence.

The Impact of Economic Conditions on Pension Payments

The relatively low pension amount reflects the broader economic situation in Venezuela. Economic instability, hyperinflation, and the devaluation of the bolivar have profoundly affected the purchasing power of pensioners, making each payment crucial for their everyday survival.

Current Economic Snapshot

Indicator Value
Official Minimum Wage 130 bolivars
Exchange Rate (1 USD) 36.67 bolivars
Pension Amount (USD) 3.54 USD
Estimated Inflation Rate (2024) 500%

Benefits of the Pension System in Venezuela

Despite challenges, the Venezuelan pension system provides several benefits aimed at supporting elderly citizens:

  • Financial Support: Ensures a basic level of income for retirees.
  • Social Security: Engagement with the social support network in times of economic hardship.
  • Access to Public Services: Eligibility for various public health and social services.

Practical Tips for Pensioners Handling Payments

Pensioners in Venezuela can better manage their financial planning by following these tips:

  • Stay Informed: Regularly check the IVSS website or social media for updates on payment schedules.
  • Utilize Electronic Banking: Use secure and reliable online banking to keep track of payments and manage funds efficiently.
  • Plan for Inflation: Considering the high inflation rates, it’s beneficial to have a budgeting plan that takes into account potential increases in living costs.

Community Support and Independent Journalism

Independent journalism plays a vital role in keeping the public informed about social issues such as the pension crisis. Support from readers enables outlets to continue reporting on issues often overlooked or censored. Engaging with local news and providing financial support ensures that these important narratives are shared widely.

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First-Hand Experience: Saving Strategies from Pensioners

Savings strategies are essential for Venezuelan pensioners. Below are some practical methods shared by pensioners on how they manage through challenging economic times:

  • Community Sharing: Many pensioners emphasize the importance of sharing resources within their communities to reduce costs on shared needs.
  • Gardening: Some have taken to growing their own vegetables, which helps supplement food supplies at a low cost.
  • Part-Time Work: A few have found part-time jobs or odd jobs to supplement their pension, especially where possible, thus helping to combat the effects of inflation.


Venezuelan pensioners face various challenges amidst economic volatility. Understanding how to access their pension payments and managing limited resources can make a significant difference in their quality of life.



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