latest news of the conflict with Russia today March 23

The conflict between Russia and Ukraine a month is about to pass without the negotiations between the two countries moving towards peace. Russian and Ukrainian troops maintain their positions, the former seeking to take kyiv and the latter regrouping so as not to allow the fall of the city.

Ukraine and Russia are still at war and without major agreements.  (Design: Paulina Cabrera)

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Ukraine and Russia are still at war and without major agreements. (Design: Paulina Cabrera)

The UN yesterday called for end this “absurd war”which will not be a victory for anyone, while Western countries are preparing a new package of sanctions in order to expand the economic siege on Russia.

The President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyasked Pope Francis to be the mediator in negotiations between both parties in order to stop the conflict. Follow here the latest news of the confrontation between Russia and Ukraine today March 23.

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Russian chemical weapons attack in Ukraine is a ‘real threat,’ says Biden

The possibility of a Russian chemical weapons attack in Ukraine is a ‘real threat’US President Joe Biden warned on Wednesday as he left the White House.

Biden leaves this Wednesday for Europe, where a diplomatic marathon awaits him. He will participate in three international summits on Thursday in Brussels: those of NATO, G7 and the European Union (EU).

Biden speaks to members of the press before leaving for Europe. (AFP)

Russia will charge in rubles for gas supplies to “hostile countries”

Vladimir Putin announced on Wednesday that Russia will stop accepting payments in dollars or euros for gas supplies to the European Union and gave the Russian authorities a week to apply the new ruble system.

“I have made the decision to apply a set of measures to move to payment in rubles for our gas supplied to hostile countries,” the Russian president said at a government meeting, explaining that it is a reaction to the freezing of Russian assets. by western countries.

China gives its support to Russia to remain in the G20

Russian President Vladimir Putin plans to attend the next G20 summit in Indonesia later this year and received a valuable endorsement from Beijing on Wednesday, responding to suggestions by some members that Russia could be excluded from the group.

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The United States and its Western allies are assessing whether Russia should remain within the Group of 20 major economies after its invasion of Ukraine, sources involved in the discussions told

However, any move to exclude Russia would likely be vetoed by other members of the group, raising the possibility of some countries skipping G-20 meetings, the sources said.

Ukrainian president asks Japan to increase pressure against Russia with sanctions

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky called on Japan on Wednesday to increase sanctions pressure against Russia over its invasion by introducing a trade embargo on Russian goods.

Japan’s sanctions on 76 people, seven banks and 12 other bodies in Russia cover defense officials and the state arms exporter Rosoboronexport. He has also said he will revoke Russia’s most-favored-nation trade status.

“Responsible states unite to protect peace,” Zelensky said in a video call with the Tokyo parliament. “I am grateful to your state for its principled position at such a historic moment, for real assistance to Ukraine.”

Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky speaks with members of Japan’s lower house of parliament via video link. (AFP)

Nestlé suspends its brands in Russia

Nestlé said on Wednesday that it will suspend brands such as KitKat and Nesquik, among other products, in Russia.

“We are focused on supplying essential foods such as baby food and medical/hospital nutrition products. This means that we will suspend the vast majority of our pre-war volume in Russia,” a Nestle spokesperson said.

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