Latest news house 2 for today September 24, 2023

2023-09-23 21:03:33

Latest news and rumors house 2 for today September 24, 2023:

Another women’s fight broke out in the clearing following a provocation staged by Alexey Adeev. A worthy rival in the person of the new Masha, brought by Adeev, was met by Elina Rakhimova, who this time got it herself, since Maria grew up in an orphanage and does not intend to give in.

Anna Samonina decided to support Elina by writing a post regarding Adeev and hinting at his unconventional orientation.

Ekaterina Skalon, who considers herself free following the quarrel and departure of Sergei Khoroshev, expressed her sympathy to Alexey Bezus. Lesha replied that their sympathy with Katya was purely friendly. Kristina Bukhynbalte has enlarged her lips and continues to support Ivan Barzikov in his fight with Alexey Adeev.

Psychologist Svetlana Prel was invited to the jury of the “Ideal Wife” competition as a well-known and objective expert of House 2. Is Christina Bukhynbalte, who is at enmity with Prel, unlikely to be happy? Ekaterina Gorina, who arrived with her belongings, was refused to rent an apartment by the owners, knowing the history of her adventures in House 2. For some reason, Katya does not want to return to her grandmother and brother, but prefers to wander in the capital? Ksenia Borodina nevertheless went to Cape Town; the host of House 2 did not say whether there were anyone willing to join her for money.

Latest news house 2 from for today 09/24/2023 – the “Ideal Wife” competition starts on the project, although there are no wives in the perimeter following the Yabbarovs left. Barzikov is already acting as a cook, remembering his specialty before coming to House 2. Will Sunday broadcasts become more interesting?

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