Latest news from Pedro Castillo in Peru today, Monday, April 25, 2022 LIVE ATMP | peter castle

The mayor of the district San Juan de Miraflores, Daniel Castro Segura, held a celebration for his birthday on April 4 with the presence of great orchestras. The party in question would have cost almost S / 70,000, something strange considering that he has only been in office for eight months and that his salary, before the mayor’s office, was S / 2,680.

Castro Segura has denied that this was the real amount of the celebration. In a report made by Cuarto Poder, he affirms that Willington Gutiérrez, legal adviser, and attorney Franklin Quiroz, friends of his, helped him pay for a certain part of the event by giving quotas between S / 1,000 and S / 2,000 each. Besides, he wouldn’t have paid for the place either, because a friend would have lent it to him.

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